Should Selfish Anti Vaxxers Be Executed in order to protect Fat People from Covid??????
The title of this opinion piece is obviously meant as satire. However that is precisely the sentiment that is being expressed at all levels of officialdom across the globe. The risk factor that puts a person most at risk for a bad outcome with Covid is being Fat. As far as we can tell there is no scientific controversy about this. You can see for yourself from the pictures used by the media to propel the Covid Hysteria that nearly all the deaths from Covid are in overweight people. Of course the media never reports as to whether or not any of the Covid victims used the Zelenko Protocol, FLCCC protocol or the like. These Protocols are nondiscriminatory and are even effective for fat people no matter what gender the fat people identify themselves with.
Now we are being lectured to from liars like Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Mass Murderer Big Tony Fauci, Arnold the Adulterer Schwarzenegger, and El Mustachio Geraldo Rivera, that the Anti Vaxxers are selfish and are not fulfilling their societal and civic obligations. A motley crew of miscreants indeed.
So now we are faced with a serious medical ethics question that perhaps the great sage and expert medical ethics opiner, the thoroughly detestable Arthur Caplan, can answer. Should we execute Anti Vaxxers in order to protect Fat, Obese, Slobs, like Arthur Caplan, from Covid Variants that were created as a result of selection pressure on the original Bio Weapon Virus, by the vaccines????
Memo To all the nervous Fat People who are afraid of Covid: Stop being selfish!!! Get off your fat behind!!!! Stop overeating and eating junk!!!!! Start exercising daily!!!!! We would advise you to "take control of your health", but that phrase has now been cancelled along with Dr Mercola, by the ministry of truth.
All kidding and satire aside, Humanity is in an extremely dire situation. The planet has been hijacked by the most devious terrorists to ever walk the earth. They need to be overthrown, brought down, and brought to justice.In past generations wicked tyrants could be removed via armed rebellion.In our current predicament, with the overlay of world wide electronic surveillance and the installation of a world wide political puppet control grid, Armed resistance will get you either killed or locked up in a prison or concentration camp.
Yet there is one weapon still partially open to us at least for the present time. "The pen is mightier than the sword"!!!!!! or as the scripture states in Proverbs 18:21 "Death and Life Are In the Hand of The Tongue"!!!! WE must speak out, write, and protest, anyway we can while we still can. There are already calls for criminalizing any criticism of Darth Fauci and his storm troopers. We must wake up our friends,family,neighbors, spiritual advisors, and bring them on board. We must declare unashamedly, and unabashedly, NO! NO! NO! 1000 times NO! to the "GREAT RESET" and the "NEW NORMAL" WE THE PEOPLE WITH the HELP OF GOD ALMIGHTY, DEMAND that the perpetrators of this Evil Plan be brought down and brought to Justice. WE THE PEOPLE will bring you DOWN and Bring YOU to Justice. Desist from your evil plans now and repent, before you cause a world wide bloody revolution.