Agudath Yisroel and it's Psychotic Friend Mark D. Levine
Agudath Israel is proud of it's relationship with degenerate, psychotic,sociopath,New York City Council Health Committee Chairman, Mark D. Levine. Levine has been at the forefront of pushing Covid Tyrrany. He wants to force everyone to get the Covid Vaccine. He is in favor of lockdowns. He is in favor of forced masking of school children and teachers. He is in favor of the Nazi, Fascist, Vaccine Passport. He is in favor of utilizing police state tactics to coerce you into getting your vaccine and wearing your face muzzle. He promotes the notion that if you refuse the Covid Vaccine, you should be fired from your job and not be allowed to go to the grocery store. He gets offended when people call him a Nazi. So we will not call him a Nazi. Instead we will call him a Kappo, because he is a Jew collaborating with the Democrat led Nazi, Fascist, medical tyranny and oppression of his fellow Jews, and Non Jewish Americans. We hope that some day he will be put on trial for his participation in The Great Covid Crime Against Humanity, and The Great Reset. Agudath Israel no longer has a right to claim they represent the Jewish Community or the Torah Community. They have sold out their brethren to the medical totalitarians.