There will be no Nuremberg like trial for Fraudci's Bio War Crimes and Herr Schwab's Great Reset
Many people are trying to sound tough and serious by accusing the various criminals involved in the Covid Bio Weapon Attack on Humanity, with Crimes against Humanity. They are deluding themselves with the fantasy, that there will be a Nuremberg 2.0 in which Fraudci, Cuomo,Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and all the rest of the tyrants will be held accountable. It is a fantasy that probably is less likely than the fantasy of winning a lottery.
After the Allies crushed the Axis in World 2 it was possible to have a Nuremberg tribunal because the world powers and especially the US wanted it. The current Omnicide being perpetrated is different than the Nazi Genocide and War Crimes. It is different because this war crime is being perpetrated by all governments in the entire world against all citizens. The paltry resistance that has sprung up around the world indicates that the war is already lost. It was clearly war gamed and strategized and the One World Government that is controlling this Plandemic has complete tactical control over Humanity.
Under these circumstances there will not be a Nuremberg 2.0. If anything, the powers that be will conduct Nuremberg trials for the resistors and especially the "Anti Vaxxers". Uncle Joe Stalin Biden has already laid down the gauntlet. "It is a Pandemic of the Un-vaccinated" So if you are un-vaccinated or you refuse to vaccinate your children, you are not simply a domestic terrorist, but you are a global terrorist. YOU are responsible for a Pandemic.
Ah but you protest. It is Pfizers failed vaccine!!! It is the NIH collaborating with China on Bio -weapons research!!! I am innocent!!!! As Goering reportedly said at his Nuremberg trial "The Victor will always be the judge, the vanquished the accused".
This is not a war like world war 2. There is no Geneva convention protecting the world wide citizenry. There are no warnings from the allies to stop the atrocities or we will hold you accountable. Rest assured the NSA and its fellow big brother agencies have enough information to nip in the bud any real threats to the Biden Schumer Pelosi Junta and it's world wide gang of deranged, psychotic, tyrants.
Think you can form a Paramilitary Brownshirt group like BLM or Antifa? They beat you to it already.
As we advocate for the peaceful overthrow of these evil monsters, the only way forward is the tedious hard work of trying to take back power in elections. It is probably a long shot but it is really the only option other than relying on an open miracle from God.
May God Have Mercy, and Compassion and show kindness to the underdogs because to you O Lord our eyes look up to for Help.