Joe Biden's Knock on the Door Gestapo Strike Force
In September of 2020 we posted the Phil Ochs song "Knock on the Door" which was released in 1964.The post was a commentary on the nefarious machinations of Adolph Cuomo and Heinrich Deblasio in organizing a Covid Tracking and Tracing force. Of course the slippery slope has now allowed this perversion to slip upstream to the Federal government. Now, creepy uncle Joe and his minions will be sending Federalized "Door Knockers" to American citizens homes.
I once spoke to a Holocaust survivor who had spent time in the Plaszow Concentration camp under the thumb of Amon Goeth may his name be erased. This camp was depicted in the film Schindler's list. He related, that his experience at the time was one of disbelief and incomprehension.You really could not believe what your eyes were seeing. He likened it to the experience of 9/11. Your mind just can not believe what your eyes are seeing.
It is difficult to believe what has befallen the once mighty, independent minded people of America and the formerly tough people of New York. They have been completely pacified and pushed into submission by the likes of Adolph Cuomo. Now they want to send Gestapo door knockers to your home and there is very little outrage. Whoever could have imagined that the USA would become a fascist totalitarian country? It is truly unbelievable.