Aaron Glatt You are hereby summoned to defend yourself and your fellow criminals


As per the advertisement below, (Rabbiner) Dr. Aaron Glatt was invited to defend his positions in a civil discussion with Dr. Peter McCullough. Dr Glatt it is said, "politely declined". We have exposed numerous lies and conflicts of interest from Dr Glatt over the years. Unfortunately, the majority Rabbinic and lay leadership in the Orthodox Jewish community  have chosen to bow their heads in fealty to this liar, and follow his advice in public policy.This includes the  persecution and demonization, of Orthodox Jews who know he is a liar and do not wish to follow his dangerous advice. Dr Glatt has referred to vaccine injury awareness activists as part of the "Anti Vaxxer cult", rather than having the mentchlichkeit and honesty, to admit that there is a real scientific and public policy controversy.

Now Dr McCullough, who is an Expert Par Excellence has offered to debate and discuss the issues with Dr Glatt. Yet Glatt refuses. What is Aaron Glatt afraid of???? Perhaps he is afraid of being accused of being a mass murderer for offering bad advice to the public that has resulted in millions of deaths of improperly treated Covid patients. Perhaps he is afraid of being confronted with the evidence of mass morbidity and mortality from the Covid Vaccines that he and his Rebbi, Rabbi Willig, have so heavily pushed and promoted.

It is long overdue for the leaders of our institutions to take note and shun Aaron Glatt and his fellow criminals and their bad advice.

Rabbi Dr., here is your chance to defend yourself and your corrupt infectious disease organization of America. Be a man and don't chicken out.


