Jake Adler why are you not embarrassed to support Sex Predator Cuomo and his corrupt friends in the Power industry ? You should resign yesterday.

The New York Power Authority together with the Public Service Commission are the agencies responsible for setting policy over Electric Transmission line placement and the the amount of Electromagnetic Radiation the citizens of New York State are exposed to from those power lines. Back in the 1980s the authority decided that the public had accepted a 100 milliagauss level of Alternating Current Magnetic Field exposure from power lines. This despite their own studies such as the Savitz study, that demonstrated an association between a 3 milligauss AC magnetic field and Childhood Leukemia and Brain Cancer as well as behavioral changes and other negative biological changes.
One of the organizations that has fought against tighter regulation of Electromagnetic Radiation that exposes the public to harm, is EPRI - Energy Power Research Institute which is an industry sponsored "non profit".  
Jake Adler you should be ashamed of yourself for supporting Sex Predator Cuomo and the corrupt power industry. With the Trillions of dollars being spent by the drunken sailors in Congress there is more than enough money to reconfigure the grid and make it safe for human health.  
Congratulations !
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NY Power Authority
NYPA CEO @GQenergy was elected to @EPRINews' Board of Directors to serve a four-year term. Congratulations to all members of the Board! epri.com/about/media-re

