Have you been abused by Predator Cuomo and Howard Zucker? Met Council Can Help


Met Council had a full page ad in the Hamodiah Newspaper this week on page 21. It stated as follows:

"Are you in an unhealthy relationship?

WE (Met Council) CAN HELP

Does your partner try to run your life or or tell you what you can say or do?

Does your partner constantly put you down,call you names,or embarrass you in public?

Does your partner restrict access to your finances?

Do you feel physically or emotionally threatened by your partner?

If you identify with one or more of these statements YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Met Council is here to support you and help you feel safe."

What a relief this was to see that finally after all the abuse from Sex predator Cuomo and Psycho Howard Zucker and the lunatics in the State legislature that finally one organization has agreed to help.

Obviously we are being sarcastic as David Greenfield the CEO of Met Council has his umbilical cord super glued to the Democrat Organized Crime party machine that funds Met Council. However in the  unlikely event that they mean what they say, give David Greenfield a call at 212 453 9618 and ask for help. According to Met Council's 4 questions listed above, the citizens of New York City and New York State have been victims of domestic violence and abuse at the hands of  Cuomo and the Democrat Fascists running the state.

It is no surprise that Cuomo has been outed as a sexual predator. The underlying basis of all forms of abusive relationships is a power imbalance where one party to the relationship exerts power and control over the other.

However the real outrage should be reserved for the the enablers of Cuomo's reprehensible behavior. This includes the Democrat Fascists that have not acted to impeach this monster. It also includes the heads of non profits that have received blood money from the Democrat Fascists in order to shut them up and keep them quiet. Shame on all of you and you know who you are. Don't worry, this world has Judgment and a Judge and as the the Rabbis stated in ethics of the fathers, "Do not despair of severe justice". Better to repent before it comes to that.    

