Chaim Deutsch only lies on his his tax returns but never about the science of vaccines

As was widely reported in the news yesterday, New York City Councilman Chaim Deutsch pleaded guilty to tax fraud by lying on his tax return, and faces a year in prison. Chaim Deutsch and his fellow mask wearing vaccine forcing politicians have previously come under criticism on this blog. I don't mean to rejoice in his downfall. It is however appropriate to point out that just as politicians and government bureaucrats will lie about money, sex and drug use, they will lie about science. Fauci, may his name be blotted out, has lied repeatedly about the science and safety of vaccines. When these people say trust us, you should say yes I trust you as far as I can throw you. It is not just politicians and bureaucrats. Doctors and scientists will also lie to promote themselves and their agendas. To paraphrase Smokey the Bear,Only YOU can prevent yourself from being lied to.



Janice Peña-Velilla said…
Great blog! Please keep writing it’s very interesting & informative!!!