Masbia Soup Kitchen Director Alexander Rapaport says no shots no benefits
The sentiments of Alexander Rapaport and his father Yosef in their own words are posted below. Essentially comply with the CDC or no stimulus money. They are already doing this in Australia - No Jab No benefits. These Agudath Israel and Hamodia spokesmouths want to bring the same ideas to the USA. Conveniently, Rapaport actually runs a profitable non profit Soup Kitchen network. I guess he will be offering shots to the poor clients who come to eat in his soup kitchens. So Alex, if they want to eat will they need to first get a shot? Why are these two clowns getting away with pretending that the Chassidic Community supports Left Wing Communist Tyranny? Why has Agudath Israel and Hamodia not disowned them a long time ago??? Does Agudath Israel believe that food stamps and other benefits for the poor should be contingent on obeying the CDC? Is Agudath Israel still pushing obedience to government health dictates from murderer and sex abuser Cuomo and pervert State Health Commissioner Zucker???