Frère Jacques? Where are you Yakov Horowitz the champion of abuse victims????
Below is a tweet from Yakov Horowitz from last April. Yakov Horowitz has been a a very outspoken advocate for children who have been abused and molested. Unfortunately he has also been a bully and abuser himself to parents who do not wish to inflict vaccine injury on their children. He has also consistently taken a left wing ideological posture that is not in line with traditional Torah values. He has never shied away from voicing his outrage against Donald Trump when he was falsely accused and smeared. Now that his role model Cuomo has been caught in flagrente delicto, he is awfully quiet. What a shame.
All abusers and bullies have the common denominator of using their power to dominate and harm others. Yakov Horowitz is part of that club. It is interesting that picking on parents of vaccine injured children and lying about science, is the commonality he shares with Cuomo. Now that Cuomo and Zucker have been shown to be utter liars, how long will it be until they are challenged by bullies like Horowitz on the other lies they have sold the public, like the one about vaccines being "safe and effective", or the entire Covid Lockdown Maskup Social Distancing Narrative.