Dr. Ramin Oskoui states "The science is settled" - Masks,Social Distancing,Isolation,and Lockdowns, don't work and are harmful

Below is a video from yesterdays Senate Homeland Security Committee meeting. At the 1hour and 57 minute and 42 second Mark, Dr Oskoui sums up his testimony in favor of early treatment of Covid with Ivermectin and also goes on the record to state that MASKS,SOCIAL DISTANCING,ISOLATION AND LOCKDOWNS DO NOT WORK AND ARE HARMFUL. The testimony was devastating. The scandal of the Public Health Mafia in which it has suppressed the scientific evidence and distribution of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine is unparalleled. This is a war crime of epic proportions. The Orthodox Rabbis and Orthodox Doctors who have ignored the science and helped persecute their communities at the behest of the Public Health Mafia are equally liable in the eyes of God and in earthly courts. Justice will come and the pursuer will become the pursued. Repent now and apologize for your colossal failures and make amends before it is too late for you. The same for you Cuomo, Deblasio,Murphy,Howard Zucker, and the other Court Jews. One way or another you will be held accountable for your Crimes Against Humanity either in this world, or in the next world.   

