Drag Queen Story Hour Promoter Eric Adams Announces campaign for Mayor
The picture below is taken from yeshiva world news and can be found here https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/featured/1920851/immediate-front-runner-brooklyn-boro-president-eric-adams-announces-mayoral-run.html
In the picture with Eric Adams, we see Councilman Chaim Deutsch, Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein, Community Activists and Agudath Israel board members Leon Goldenberg, Chaskel Bennet, and Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition (FJCC) leader Josh Mehlman. We documented close to a year ago the disturbing support given by Eric Adams to Drag Queen Story Hour. You can see this at this link http://flatbushantivaxxer.blogspot.com/search?q=eric+adams
What was stated then is true now as well. Any Candidate for Mayor who supports the perversion of Drag Queen Story Hour should be denounced by the Orthodox Jewish Leadership in no uncertain terms. Any Orthodox Jews who deign to put politics ahead of morality and ahead of the welfare of children by supporting Eric Adams, should be denounced as well. They should be fired from their positions of leadership in the Jewish Community and they should be shunned for supporting the Transgender and LGBTQ agenda. In this same Yeshiva World News article are three video clips including one where Eric Adams proudly boasts of his accomplishment in legalizing Gay Marriage. It is incumbent on Rabbinical leaders and Agudath Israel to stop embracing Yeshiva World News and it's promotion of Anti Torah, Left Wing, Progressive, Idolatry and sexual perversion. The ultimate goal of the LGBTQ agenda is to legalize Pedophilia. This is why their agenda dovetails with the proposed legislation to lower the age of medical consent to 9 years old. The proposed legislation would allow a 9 year old child to consent to a vaccine in school, without their parents knowledge or consent. Once the age of medical consent is lowered and parents are taken out of the picture, the next step is to lower the age of consent for sexual activity thereby legalizing Pedophilia. Think this is farfetched? Take a look at all the states legalizing hard drugs, including Heroin, Cocaine, and Marijuana. Who would have thought such a thing possible? Yet it has happened. One of the states where we will now be blessed with Legalized Marijuana is New Jersey which is led by Avi Schnall's Friend Phil Murphy. Thanks Avi for all your help. the Potheads of America are very grateful.