Yes Indeed Big Brother Is Watching Us. Down With Big Brother!!!

When Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai was on his death bed he blessed his deciples that their fear of heaven should be equal to their fear of their fellow man. His disciples protested, only as much? The Rabbi responded, "If only. Take heed. When a man is about to sin he says to himself let me make sure no other man is watching me" Talmud Berachot 28B.

This obscene advertisement below promoting submission to mask wearing and medical testing, appeared in the Flatbush Jewish Journal last week. No one has a right to join Wicked Adolph Cuomo in slandering,libeling, and lying, about the Jewish Community,the Orthodox Jewish community, or the Ultra Orthodox Jewish Community. It does not matter what your net worth is. It does not matter how big a Talmid Chochom you are. It does not matter what your intentions are. Your first duty is to stand up for your people and defend them, not sell them out to a vicious public health mafia and a tyrannical maniac, masquerading as a governor.

Rabbis and community leaders, you need to do your homework and not make excuses for not looking at the science yourselves. The science does not support the current public policy being dictated by Adolph Cuomo with his emergency powers granted to him by the Democrat Fascist Party that runs New York State.

The masks are a social engineering construct.Their use on a mass scale outside of medical facilitites is not scientifically justifiable. As such they are nothing but a tool to force compliance and submission to an atheist social engineering agenda. Therefore if they are  not actual Idolatry they are certainly very close to it. 




