Is Adolph Cuomo an Anti Semite or an Anti Christ or both?
Is Adolph Cuomo an Anti Semite or an Anti Christ or both?
Please take Our Poll. If you agree that he is one or both of the above, take some paper and with a bold marker write down the Words NO CUOMO!!! and tape this on a lamp post or street sign or the like. Then take a picture of this sign and send it to your favorite social media group.
If you do not agree then leave a comment as to why the list of 15 Cuomo accomplishments cited below are not sufficient to prove our contention.
Some of his major accomplishments
- Legalized Same Gender Marriage - 2011 Marriage Equality Act
- Legalized Third Trimester abortion - 2019 Reproductive Health Act
- legalized Marijuana - 2014
- Eliminated and banned Conversion therapy - 2019
- Imposed forced acceptance of Transgenderism agenda - 2015
- Removed religious exemptions to vaccination - 2019
- Targets religious gatherings in churches and synagogues for shutdown - 2020
- Targeted Yeshivas prior to Covid with State Education Department curriculum persecution - 2019
- Targets Yeshivas and Catholic schools with Shutdown - 2020
- Ethnically cleansing Orthodox Jews from New York by using the Covid Non Compliance Libel a new form of the Blood libel - 2020
- Promotes hostility toward God and Religion "God didn't do this We did it"
- Rolling out Compulsory V.A.P - vaccination administration plan for all 20 million citizens of New York - today 10/18/2020
- Destroyed the New York State Economy - 2020
- Released violent criminals from Jail - 2020
- Demoralized the Police and created crime increase