And God Breathed into Adams Nose A Living Soul - Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 7
And God Breathed into Adams Nose A Living Soul - Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 7
Reflections on the Mask War on Mankind's Soul and God
When God Created Man, he breathed life - the Living Soul - into Adam the first Man, into Adams nose. As is known, this "breath" of a living soul from God to Man, was a portion of God himself. God not only created Man in his "image", He endowed Man with the ultimate gift of a part of himself, a part of the divine - the soul.
This is why in the Talmud (Taanit 29a) Rabbi Gamliel is referred to as Owner of the Nose, a reference to his lofty spiritual stature and his divine soul which is signified by the Nose, the symbol of the Soul.
A fundamental teaching from the Genesis story is that God Created Man in the "Image" of God. One lesson we should take from this is that when you see another person you should internalize the notion that they are a creation of the Almighty in his image and you must therefore honor and respect your fellow man from the perspective that your fellow man has an innate holiness by virtue of his Godly Image and Godly Soul.
How disturbing that there is a government led world wide movement to force face coverings over the faces, noses, and mouths of humanity, all with the stated intention of saving humanity. It is an attempt to belittle and degrade the divine image of God as reflected in the Human Face. It is an attempt to destroy the notion of an eternal and divine Soul. It is an attempt to eradicate the most basic act of Human kindness - giving a smile and a pleasant countenance to your fellow man.
Ultimately it is not only a war on Humanity but a war on God himself.
Part of this war is the social inversion whereby we are being told that a healthy, normal,asymptomatic person, should be considered as being inherently infectious and dangerous rather than inherently holy and pure. Hence the Mask. Fear your fellow man lest he infect you. Belittle and bully your fellow man who dares not comply. Call him a "knucklehead" a disease spreader, a religious fanatic.
A new religious doctrine is being promoted that if you do not wear a "mask" or "face covering" you are being "selfish" because you are not protecting your fellow man from your inherently infectious status even though you are asymptomatic and healthy. Even though there is zero scientific evidence that mass mandatory "face covering" prevents transmission of Covid 19 even from infected symptomatic people. Even though the entire notion of Asymptomatic contagion has been announced by the W.H.O. Pandemic Response Leader as being "Very Rare", and possibly non existent. Nonetheless we have the Hitlers of our time declaring "Cover Your Face" "Wear a Mask". Adolph Cuomo says the public must "comply" and the local police departments or what is left of them must "enforce". Sounds like, bow down to the idol or off with your head.
This is all no accident. The agenda is specifically to debase the honor of mankind and the glory of Gods Creation. The agenda is to indoctrinate the populace with an atheist ideology. "God did not do this, we did this" - Adolph Cuomo Der Fuhrer of New York State said.
Rather than elevate each individual as a creation of God, as in "All Men are CREATED equal", Der Fuhrer tells you that you are only important as part of his "collective" Reich. That is why "PUBLIC HEALTH" Overrides religious liberty and all other liberties. You are told you only have importance as part of the "greater good" and the general PUBLIC and not because you have a unique,eternal,divine soul. If each individual is created in the image of God than just as God is Unique and is the ultimate Unified Unity - ONE GOD, so too, that attribute must extend to each individual soul that GOD bestowed to each individual, Unique, Human Being.
To the likes of the militant atheists like Adolph Cuomo, a Human Being is a defective accident of nature not a divine creation of God. To Der Fuehrer Cuomo there is no sanctity to human life and so you can kill babies with abandon before they are born, and maybe even after they are born. You can kill old people by sticking sick people into nursing homes, and kill young people by issuing Do not Resuscitate orders to hospitals and paramedics. You can cover your tracks by not letting family members into the hospitals to make sure their loved ones are receiving adequate care. Perhaps worst of all you can track and trace and round people up like cattle because PUBLIC HEALTH means you are just part of the HERD, and you are no better than a cow. If Adolph Cuomo decides to cull you like a cow, he can simply declare an emergency and say we must sacrifice part of the herd in order to save and perpetuate the rest of the herd.
We have seen this before. The National Socialists in Germany loaded the Jews into cattle cars in order to stop them from "infecting" the German Race with their inferior "racial hygiene". The Nazis also attempted to "sterilize" "thought", by subjecting "dangerous thoughts" and writings to public scorn and book burning. The Nazis like Cuomo also meant well. They were "saving lives". Before they went after the Jews, they even displayed "compassion" to the developmentally disabled, elderly, sick, and feeble minded, by putting them out of their "misery" with "Mercy" killing. How "kind" and "unselfish" of them.
The medicalizing of tyranny and murder on an industrial scale, was invented by the Nazis and is now being perfected by their spiritual heirs, the Democrat Fascists of the United States of America. Their various leading mouthpieces like Cuomo and Murphy have declared war on God and the American people. They have taken the United States Constitution, put it through a paper shredder, mixed it with manure and tuned it into fertilizer. They have corrupted science and public policy with their lies, all with the goal of perpetuating their power and control.
The seal of God is Truth. Our answer to the tyrants must be "IN GOD WE TRUST"!!!!!!!
May God Grant a speedy collapse of the falsehood being forced on humanity by these liars.
Reflections on the Mask War on Mankind's Soul and God
When God Created Man, he breathed life - the Living Soul - into Adam the first Man, into Adams nose. As is known, this "breath" of a living soul from God to Man, was a portion of God himself. God not only created Man in his "image", He endowed Man with the ultimate gift of a part of himself, a part of the divine - the soul.
This is why in the Talmud (Taanit 29a) Rabbi Gamliel is referred to as Owner of the Nose, a reference to his lofty spiritual stature and his divine soul which is signified by the Nose, the symbol of the Soul.
A fundamental teaching from the Genesis story is that God Created Man in the "Image" of God. One lesson we should take from this is that when you see another person you should internalize the notion that they are a creation of the Almighty in his image and you must therefore honor and respect your fellow man from the perspective that your fellow man has an innate holiness by virtue of his Godly Image and Godly Soul.
How disturbing that there is a government led world wide movement to force face coverings over the faces, noses, and mouths of humanity, all with the stated intention of saving humanity. It is an attempt to belittle and degrade the divine image of God as reflected in the Human Face. It is an attempt to destroy the notion of an eternal and divine Soul. It is an attempt to eradicate the most basic act of Human kindness - giving a smile and a pleasant countenance to your fellow man.
Ultimately it is not only a war on Humanity but a war on God himself.
Part of this war is the social inversion whereby we are being told that a healthy, normal,asymptomatic person, should be considered as being inherently infectious and dangerous rather than inherently holy and pure. Hence the Mask. Fear your fellow man lest he infect you. Belittle and bully your fellow man who dares not comply. Call him a "knucklehead" a disease spreader, a religious fanatic.
A new religious doctrine is being promoted that if you do not wear a "mask" or "face covering" you are being "selfish" because you are not protecting your fellow man from your inherently infectious status even though you are asymptomatic and healthy. Even though there is zero scientific evidence that mass mandatory "face covering" prevents transmission of Covid 19 even from infected symptomatic people. Even though the entire notion of Asymptomatic contagion has been announced by the W.H.O. Pandemic Response Leader as being "Very Rare", and possibly non existent. Nonetheless we have the Hitlers of our time declaring "Cover Your Face" "Wear a Mask". Adolph Cuomo says the public must "comply" and the local police departments or what is left of them must "enforce". Sounds like, bow down to the idol or off with your head.
This is all no accident. The agenda is specifically to debase the honor of mankind and the glory of Gods Creation. The agenda is to indoctrinate the populace with an atheist ideology. "God did not do this, we did this" - Adolph Cuomo Der Fuhrer of New York State said.
Rather than elevate each individual as a creation of God, as in "All Men are CREATED equal", Der Fuhrer tells you that you are only important as part of his "collective" Reich. That is why "PUBLIC HEALTH" Overrides religious liberty and all other liberties. You are told you only have importance as part of the "greater good" and the general PUBLIC and not because you have a unique,eternal,divine soul. If each individual is created in the image of God than just as God is Unique and is the ultimate Unified Unity - ONE GOD, so too, that attribute must extend to each individual soul that GOD bestowed to each individual, Unique, Human Being.
To the likes of the militant atheists like Adolph Cuomo, a Human Being is a defective accident of nature not a divine creation of God. To Der Fuehrer Cuomo there is no sanctity to human life and so you can kill babies with abandon before they are born, and maybe even after they are born. You can kill old people by sticking sick people into nursing homes, and kill young people by issuing Do not Resuscitate orders to hospitals and paramedics. You can cover your tracks by not letting family members into the hospitals to make sure their loved ones are receiving adequate care. Perhaps worst of all you can track and trace and round people up like cattle because PUBLIC HEALTH means you are just part of the HERD, and you are no better than a cow. If Adolph Cuomo decides to cull you like a cow, he can simply declare an emergency and say we must sacrifice part of the herd in order to save and perpetuate the rest of the herd.
We have seen this before. The National Socialists in Germany loaded the Jews into cattle cars in order to stop them from "infecting" the German Race with their inferior "racial hygiene". The Nazis also attempted to "sterilize" "thought", by subjecting "dangerous thoughts" and writings to public scorn and book burning. The Nazis like Cuomo also meant well. They were "saving lives". Before they went after the Jews, they even displayed "compassion" to the developmentally disabled, elderly, sick, and feeble minded, by putting them out of their "misery" with "Mercy" killing. How "kind" and "unselfish" of them.
The medicalizing of tyranny and murder on an industrial scale, was invented by the Nazis and is now being perfected by their spiritual heirs, the Democrat Fascists of the United States of America. Their various leading mouthpieces like Cuomo and Murphy have declared war on God and the American people. They have taken the United States Constitution, put it through a paper shredder, mixed it with manure and tuned it into fertilizer. They have corrupted science and public policy with their lies, all with the goal of perpetuating their power and control.
The seal of God is Truth. Our answer to the tyrants must be "IN GOD WE TRUST"!!!!!!!
May God Grant a speedy collapse of the falsehood being forced on humanity by these liars.