Rabbi Shopping

Rabbi Shopping
There is an expression called "Rabbi Shopping". It is similar to the expression "Cherry Picking". It means you look for a Rabbi who will give you the religious ruling you want to hear. This practice is very problematic in Orthodox Jewish Religious Law. So for instance if you rely on the ruling of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (May the memory of a saint be for a blessing) for his lenient ruling on dairy products derived from unsupervised milk, you really ought to be consistent and rely on his strict rulings when it comes to things like not using an Eruv on the Sabbath in Manhattan and Brooklyn and not using Sabbath clocks for operating appliances on the Sabbath.
We have seen in recent days a push in the Orthodox Jewish media and by various organizations and community activists to promote the rulings of Rabbi Chaim Kaniefsky in Israel and Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky in America to urge Orthodox Jews to vote for the Eretz Hakodesh slate in the current World Zionist Congress election. This ruling is apparently an emergency ruling which goes against a century of practice to not participate in the World Zionist movement.
What many people seem to conveniently forget is that Rabbis Kaniefsky and Kaminetzky issued some very politically incorrect rulings pertaining to vaccination as well.Namely Rabbi Chaim Kaniefsky or Reb Chaim as he is affectionately known stated and wrote unequivocally that it is forbidden to exclude unvaccinated  healthy children from school. Rabbi Kaminetzky  or Reb Shmuel as he is affectionately known went even further and stated that Vaccination is Forbidden by Jewish Law.
It is very important to be consistent in life and in religious observance and not look for the easy way out so one can shirk their responsibilities. If  you insist on following Reb Chaim and Reb Shmuel on the WZO issue than you have an obligation to follow them when it comes to the Vaccine Controversy as well. Yes Leon Goldenberg and Chaskel Bennet that means you.
For the past year and a half Reb Shmuel was shunted aside and ignored because of his unpopular views on vaccination. Now all of a sudden when his view on the WZO is popular he is listened to. This kind of cognitive dissonance betrays an in-genuine phony mindset.
Similarly the public at large places a great deal of religious like faith in the Vaccine Cartel of Merck,Sanofi,Glaxo and Pfizer and their enablers and enforcers in the government when it comes to vaccines. They can do no wrong or harm. We must listen follow and obey. We must castigate, demean, and destroy all who would dare dissent.
Yet the public does not have this same level of fervent trust when it comes to products like Vioxx and other drugs that have killed and harmed millions and were bestowed upon humanity by the same corrupt Pharmaceutical Government Cabal.
Its time to get real. We should demand regulatory consistency with vaccines. They must not be liability free - its time to repeal the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation act which removed liability. They must be treated like every other drug. They must not be mandatory or coerced in any way. And they must be tested for safety with the same kind of long term inert placebo control group standards as every other drug.
Currently there is a nationwide legislative push to make vaccination of adults and children mandatory and coercive.
In New York State this drive is being lead by the Progressive Democrats. One of the key leaders of this drive is State Senator Brad Hoylman. Hoylman is behind many nefarious anti religious pro abortion Pro LGBTQ Pro Communist agenda items. He is being challenged in the Democrat Primary by Elizabeth Glass @glassforsenate.
Flatbush Anti Vaxxer urges everyone support Elizabeth Glass in her campaign to defeat Hoylman. If you can pay $7.50 to vote for Eretz Hakodesh, you need to be consistent and help get rid of the unclean, impure, unholy, Hoylman. Donate Generously to the Elizabeth Glass campaign and help Make New York State Free again.

