Crooked Cuomo and Corrupt Carl Heastie send their Fascist New York Democrat Street Thugs to L.A. To Promote Hatred and Fear

Warning the video below contains vulgar language and gestures from Democrat Fascists as well as the exploitation of children that have been abused and indoctrinated to hate and curse President  Trump. It is not suitable for viewing by children and viewer discretion is advised.

Below is a video from Josh Coleman. Josh has a child who must use  a wheelchair due to being permanently paralyzed by a vaccine. Josh together with a bunch of brave women attended the Fascist women's march in L.A. Josh's group wanted to participate on behalf of women who have vaccine injured children. As you can see it looks like there was a sizable contingent sent from New York by Crooked Cuomo and Corrupt Carl Heastie the Speaker of the New York State Assembly. It also appears that the Female Fascists were trained in the deft use of their middle fingers by New York State Assemblyman Jeffery Dinowitz.  
This is the kind hate and intolerance that is being promoted by the New York State Democratic Party while they talk out of both sides of their collectivist mouths. On one hand they talk the talk and preach and lecture NO HATE NO FEAR when they participate in rallies against Anti Semitism. When it comes to walking the walk though they are more than happy to be hateful, bullying, and intolerant, of religious people be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Black or White who dare protest on behalf of women and their vaccine injured children.
As we have stated before, we believe the Anti Semitism in New York originated with Merck and the deliberate targeting of the Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers even though they comprise a tiny minority of the Orthodox Jewish Community. Merck paid off Cuomo, Heastie, Andrea Stuart Cousins, and the New York State Democrat Party to get rid of Religious Exemptions to vaccine mandates. In doing so they harnessed the extreme left wing and militant LGBTQ wing of their party.
These people hate children,religion,liberty,freedom,and God.
Merck has clearly demonstrated that stamping out religion and promoting promiscuity among children in order to create a market for their  products is part of their business plan.
Lets stamp out Merck and the Corrupt New York State Democrat Party. Vote these Perverts out of New York!

