Who Are The Real Jew Haters???????
Who are the Real Jew Haters? The ones who kick your kids out of yeshiva and take away your religious freedom and insist that you inject unsafe medical products from Merck into your children or else. What about declaring Martial Law in Williamsburg and Rockland? What about throwing thousands of healthy unvaccinated children out of yeshivas in neighborhoods where there is no outbreak simply because they are Jewish? What about Drag Queen Story Hour in the public libraries.What about forcing the LGBTQ curriculum on Yeshivas. What about forcing the public school pervert indoctrination curriculum on Yeshiva kids? What about threatening Yeshivas with closure if they don't adopt the failed public school program?
Meet the Real Anti Semites - Andrew Cuomo, Bill Deblasio, and the Democrat Fascist Party of New York led by Carl Heastie and Andrea Stewart Cousins along with their Kappos in the Departments of Health, Howard Zucker and Jane Zucker. If there is any real statistical increase in Anti Semitic attacks, it was started by these Nazis and their collaborators in the Jewish Community, and in the Jewish Media and by MERCK the CDC and the World Health Organization - a division of the U.N.