"Hate" or Big Pharma FDA Corruption and Medical Malpractice? The Case of Grafton Thomas

"Hate" or Big Pharma FDA Corruption and Medical Malpractice? The Case of Grafton Thomas

"Eradicate Hate". That is what we are being lectured to do in order to prevent more attacks by the likes of  guilty until proven innocent by reason of insanity Monsey Stabber Grafton Thomas. According to his attorney Michael Sussman, Grafton has a long well documented history of mental illness.Not mild mental illness, but serious disorders including Paranoid Schizophrenia,Auditory Hallucinations and more. Additionally the man was prescribed numerous psychotropic drugs such as Latuda, Seroquil, Prozac, and many more which it appears he either did not take or took sporadically.  Furthermore the man appears to have severe OCD as evidenced by his stockpile of bleach in his home where he would spend large amounts of time washing and rewashing his hands with bleach and water. Attorney Sussman has also claimed that Thomas was sexually abused as a child and also was the victim of other forms of emotional trauma as a result of physical abuse. His life history seems to indicate he started falling apart or "de compensating" some time after the end of high-school. In high school as a student he was reportedly at the top of his class and was on the football team. After high school he was briefly enrolled in the Marines and subsequently on a college football team. His mother reportedly tried recently to have him committed involuntarily to a mental hospital but was unsuccessful.
The evidence as reported in the media,is overwhelming that this man is insane and likely committed his rampage out of insanity and not out of "hate" or "anti semitism".
Yet it seems as though with the exception of his attorney, his mother and his pastor, everyone else has rushed to judge this man and the Monsey stabbing as evidence of a "virulent" "infectious" "hatred" that is rapidly "spreading" in the form of a "hatred epidemic". Cuomo the "Jew Lover" who threw thousands of Orthodox Jewish kids out of religious school, declared Thomas to be a "Domestic Terrorist".
As a result of all the "Hate" Hype, blowhards from various Jewish establishment organizations have organized rallies and photo ops and called for "eradicating" "hate" as though it were some kind of infectious disease. They want to start by "vaccinating" the public against "HATE" by eliminating free speech on social media.They also want to impose greater police surveillance with the addition of hundreds of more NYPD surveillance cameras.
What we have is a false narrative created in an atmosphere of unwarranted and misplaced hysteria that is leading to a further erosion of our civil rights, liberties, and freedoms.The deliberate misinformation and disinformation about this attack and other recent attacks against Orthodox Jews must be exposed. I don't mean to minimize the sympathy we should have for the victims of the Monsey stabbing, they clearly were victimized. The question is who and what is ultimately responsible for these kinds of  rampages and what really needs to be done to prevent them in the future. The other question is whether or not there is any veracity or accuracy to the reported increase in Anti Semitism and Anti Semitic violence in New York.
We have mentioned previously that nearly all and perhaps all mass shooting and stabbing attacks, in the US were perpetrated by people who were prescribed a psychotropic drug such as an SSRI, like Prozac.These types of drugs are known to affect impulse control regions and mechanisms in the brain and increase the risk of suicide and homicide. This is especially true in the the beginning few weeks or months of starting to take these drugs and in the weeks and months after stopping. If someone starts and stops to  take these kinds of medications in sudden on again off again dosage spurts due to not following prescription guidelines, that also will lead to serious problems and probably amplify the the suicide and homicide ideation effect that these drugs cause.

In the link below to a  recent USA today article you can read the details of how Eli Lilly covered up the connection of  Prozac to mass shootings. as far back as 1989 in the Standard Gravure shooting.

The main stream media and most of the politicians have deliberately covered up the causal relationship between pharmaceutical products like Prozac, and mass killings. Instead of blaming Pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly and Merck for products that cause severe psychotic episodes, suicide, and homicide,they blame guns and the Second Amendment.
There is however another overlooked responsible party - the doctors who are prescribing these drugs and then failing to follow up with the patient to make sure they are at least adhering to the proper dosing regimen. A fair question to ask is had the nurses and doctors responsible for caring for Grafton Thomas done their jobs and made sure he took his medications properly, could the Monsey stabbing have been prevented? Similarly in all instances of suicide and homicide that are related to these medications such as the Sandy Hook shooting, perhaps instead of blaming the weapon we should place our blame squarely on the doctors who failed to follow up adequately on their patients and make sure the prescribed medication is working and if not to make sure that something effective is done.

The case of Adam Lanza and the Sandy Hook shooting is actually quite instructive to the case of Grafton Thomas. Like Thomas, Lanza suffered from OCD, and Schizophrenia. Like Thomas, Lanza's family members struggled to get him proper help but were ultimately unsuccessful. Like Thomas, Lanza had seen a psychiatrist, had been prescribed psychotropics, failed to take them, in a sustained matter that might have been effective and failed to be followed up adequately and effectively by that psychiatrist. Like Thomas,Lanza apparently suffered from schizophrenia. Unlike Thomas, Lanza was diagnosed with a form of Autism known as Asperger's.

There is an obvious correlation of OCD, Schizophrenia, and Autism Spectrum Disorder,with an overlay of psychotropic drugs  in many of  of these types of rampages. An important question that is not being asked is why are we seeing such a rise in incidence of  these neurological disorders.
In the case of Grafton Thomas we could speculate that he may have suffered from Traumatic Brain Injury due to his years of playing football. These types of injuries are known to lead to suicide and homicide. Certainly being a victim of sexual and physical abuse would not help his situation. Having joined the Marines he would have been heavily vaccinated on day one of enlistment. If he was already suffering any kind of neuro - inflammation from football related head injuries, the vaccine induced inflammatory reactions would have amplified preexisting brain injury.
The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an interesting indicator. We now know that OCD is often triggered by an auto immunity process whereby antibodies attack the brain. For instance in PANDAS - Pediatric Acute Neuro-Psychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus -  where the body produces antibodies against Strep.Apparently due to molecular mimicry these antibodies also have an affinity to attack the host brain. Less well known is the claim by thousands of parents, that PANDAS was triggered in their children by a routine childhood vaccination. This should not be surprising to those who have followed the work of Dr Yehudah Schoenfeld who has made the claim that at least 10 percent of vaccine recipients will develop an auto immune condition that is triggered by vaccination.
Lest you think that disorders like PANDAS only affect children you would be wrong. It is entirely conceivable that Grafton Thomas's progressively decompensating mental decline was caused by a PANDAS like condition triggered by vaccination.
So to circle back to an earlier question. Why would so many otherwise intelligent people,ignore the facts of this case and instead try to create a false narrative of out of control Anti Semitism? Why have self appointed spokespeople for the Jewish Community pushed a narrative of escalating Anti Semitic attacks and ignored the general escalation in crime,lawlessness,homelessness, mental illness,substance abuse, and juvenile delinquncy, due to the policies of the Progressive Democrats currently holding the reigns of power in New York?
Was the Barnard student who was recently stabbed to death by a pack of teenagers up in Harlem any less of a victim than outwardly Orthodox Jewish Victims who were beaten by roving teenage wolf packs in Crown Heights?
The truth is that all of these attacks have more to do with the castration of the NYPD by Bill Deblasio and the numerous attacks on basic law and order by the New York City Council in legislating away quality of life crimes like public urination, than with Anti Semitism.
Instead of being honest about the real source of these problems,Jewish nonprofit leadership is running after security grant funding, and throwing our civil liberties out the window by inviting in more surveillance cameras. None of the establishment efforts will make anyone safer although they will make some people richer.


