Drag Queen Story Hour Comes to Brooklyn thanks to Democrat Eric Adams

Below are pictures from a Campaign paper from Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. As you will see on page 21 this candidate for New York City Mayor is Promoting DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR for KIDS in the central branch of the Brooklyn Public Library by GRAND ARMY PLAZA Right Next to CROWN HEIGHTS in the February schedule. The same week of this paper,Adams was honored to light the Giant Menorah in GRAND ARMY PLAZA. Alex Jones may he be blessed for fighting and leading the war against this atrocity, has been warning of this taking place all over the country. It is part of a Democrat Progressive effort to destroy our children our families and our society by normalizing the most obscene disgusting perversions. In addition many of these "Drag Queens" are pedophiles hiding behind their costumes. I hope my Chassidic  Coreligionists in the Borough Park community like Avi Greenstein of the Borough Park Jewish Community Council and Yosef Rappaport of Masbiah Soup Kitchen will stop cozying up to Eric Adams and other politicians who are promoting this and similar abominations. This most definitely should be a litmus test for any candidate running for public office and seeking the support of the Orthodox Jewish Community. Once again it is notable that the same forces that support attacking our children with compulsory vaccination, and throwing the unvaccinated healthy children out of yeshiva, are also supporting the perversion and sexualization of our children.
God willing in a future essay we will explain how vaccine induced OCD  and other neurolgical vaccine spectrum disorders in children are leading to an explosion in Gender and Sexual confusion resulting in increased Transgenderism and Homosexuality among the youth. 
