Is Forced Vaccine Pusher Dr Stuart Ditchek also pushing Eugenics?
Last year we published Emails from Dr. Stuart Ditchek where he admitted to engaging in a multi state effort to get yeshivas across the country to throw out unvaccinated children. We also published and criticized Dr Ditchek's call for preventing marriage between vaccinators and non vaccinators. Another of Dr Ditcheks pet projects which he has been pushing is advanced Genetic Screening through his company Jpatible. It looks like Dr Ditchek is far ahead of efforts by George Church to do the same thing. Below are links to Jpatible and links to the article about George Church and the criticism of his efforts at Eugenics. While it is difficult to argue against premarital testing for serious and devastating Genetic diseases like Tay Sachs, at a certain point Genetics turns into Eugenics. The slippery slope is real and very dangerous. Edwin Black argues in his book War Against the Weak, that after the Holocaust, Eugenics did not go away, it was simply rebranded as Genetics.
When people within the Orthodox Community call for coercive, unethical, and immoral, medical policy and it goes unprotested and unanswered by the unelected, self proclaimed, leadership of the community, we have a serious problem. If the government can force you in the words of Rabbi Dr Aaron Glatt to "Vaccinate or Home School", you have already lost all of your freedom. It will only be a matter of time before the undesirables are forcibly sterilized,euthanized,and bred out of existence.
Epstein-Funded Scientist George Church Is Creating a Genetics-Based Dating App
Harvard professor George Church says he wants to eliminate genetic diseases, but critics find his idea chilling.
When people within the Orthodox Community call for coercive, unethical, and immoral, medical policy and it goes unprotested and unanswered by the unelected, self proclaimed, leadership of the community, we have a serious problem. If the government can force you in the words of Rabbi Dr Aaron Glatt to "Vaccinate or Home School", you have already lost all of your freedom. It will only be a matter of time before the undesirables are forcibly sterilized,euthanized,and bred out of existence.
Epstein-Funded Scientist George Church Is Creating a Genetics-Based Dating App
Harvard professor George Church says he wants to eliminate genetic diseases, but critics find his idea chilling.