Crooked Corrupt Cuomo and the Corrupt New York Democrats - Government of Merck By Merck and For Merck

The essay below my opinion piece is from John Gilmore of the Autism Action Network. I could not have written it better myself. Actually, Mr. Gilmore is being too soft and diplomatic in my opinion. I think Crooked Cuomo and the New York Democrats and the state and local public health bureaucrats are guilty of war crimes and omnicide for imposing dangerous harmful forced vaccinations on the public.The world wide vaccination program being forced on the entire human population by the public private partnership Mafia of Merck the W.H.O. and the CDC and their allies, is causing pathogens to mutate into more virulent forms and is causing permanent harmful change to the microbiome of humans,animals and plants . The deliberate and permanent manipulation of human DNA  via the injection of unknown and known RNA and DNA viruses including Oncoviruses like SV40 as well as altered DNA fragments that cause insertional mutagenesis, compounds the crime. This biological warfare against the natural microbiome is having a far  greater detrimental global environmental impact than the theoretical construct of anthropogenic climate change caused by Carbon. To paraphrase Vaccine Spectrum Disordered Greta,HOW DARE YOU!!!
We have written how the real Anti Semites are the religion hating Fascist Atheist Democrats like Crooked Cuomo,and Fake Jew Howard Zucker, the New York State Department of Health Commissioner. We have also written how there were plenty of Kappo Jews in the Orthodox Jewish Community who were more than willing to throw their Orthodox Jewish "ANTI VAXXER" brethren off the bridge, to APPEASE the Wicked, Evil, Democrat authorities. Now we see Orthodox Jewish Community activists and politicians shamefully and hysterically begging for the government to protect them with more security grant funding and police presence. What a disgrace! If you really believe there is an "epidemic" of violence against Jews, then you should be demanding an emergency order allowing Jews to carry loaded firearms. The stupid politicians who asked Corrupt Cuomo to send in the National Guard, should take their discretionary funding and purchase and distribute a few million dollars worth of hand guns to their constituents to protect themselves with. Lastly you should consider the spiritual cost and the loss of divine protection when you support the LGBTQ promoting politicians, like Corrupt Cuomo, whose latest important project is Drag Time Story Hour for children in the public libraries right here in New York.
The truth is there is no widespread "outbreak" of Anti Semitic attacks just an outbreak of hysteria. The "attacks" have all been perpetrated either by delinquent children, or mentally ill people. The real question that needs to be asked is why are there so many aggressive, out of control, dangerous, mentally ill people walking around and WHY and HOW are they suddenly being triggered to commit acts of "Violent Extremism". We will give some possible answers in a future post.       

From John Gilmore of Autism Action Network:
  What could be more hypocritical than New York Governor Andrew Cuomo posing as a champion of religious tolerance? In the wake of yet another violent crime directed at New York's ultra-orthodox Jewish community, the Governor who kicked 26,000 students out of school in New York this summer for having religious beliefs with which he disagrees, said in a press conference last night, "We are founded on the premise of tolerance for differences."
     The Governor, who along with many of his Democratic colleagues in the legislature, and the corporate media, just spent the last year vilifying the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. Rolling out ancient anti-Semitic tropes and blaming families who had religious exemptions from vaccine mandates as the cause of the ridiculously hyped measles outbreak. The public health authorities never produced any data showing that any children with religious exemptions got the measles. No matter, the most visibly Jewish Jews were the problem. Now we see a huge spike in violent attacks on the ultra-Orthodox community. Coincidence?
     Cuomo took to the media last night following the most recent violence directed at the Jewish community,  this time an attack by a machete-wielding man on the home of a Rabbi and his family celebrating Hannukah in the ultra-Orthodox enclave of Monsey in Rockland County. Nobody was killed, but five people were injured.  "Hostility based on religion," Cuomo said in front of the TV cameras, "It is an American cancer spreading through the body politic." He should know,  Cuomo is one of the carcinogens spreading the disease.
     We will be gathering in Albany on Jan. 8, the first day of the 2020 legislative session to fight a slate of bills, all introduced by Democrats, adding more than 20 new doses of vaccines to the mandated schedule, and eliminating parents' right to even know what is injected into their children. Cuomo will also deliver his annual State of the State Address that day. We need to be there in large numbers. Tickets are available for Cuomo's speech through a lottery. Please apply for a ticket (it's free) at the address below. Today is the last day to apply. Winners of the tickets will be announced on Jan. 6.
     Please call the Governor's office today and politley express your thoughts to the staffer on his new found enthusiasm for religious tolerance:
(518) 474-8390
     "New York is about diversity," Cuomo went on to say in the press conference, "New York is about tolerance." Says the man who almost single handedly shut down the Amish school system in New York. A group of people who fled Germany 300 years ago seeking religious liberty who found it in colonial America, and who haven't bothered anybody since.  This is the Governor who created a new group of people: religious refugees from New York. The same Governor who within fourteen days of signing the repeal of the religious exemption was kicking special needs children, some of New York's most vulnerable people, out of school, utterly abandoning them and their families.
     Credible people, organizations, and legislators from the Governor's own party warned that the Governor's course could lead to violence. That is exactly what State Senators Simcha Felder and Brian Kavanaugh said, as well as Assemblymembers Joe Lentol, Simcha Eichenstein, Steven Cymbrowitz, William Colton and others. And Agudat Israel, an umbrella group of Orthodox organizations, made exactly that argument trying to stop the repeal of the religious exemption.
     The drug industry, which is also the vaccine industry, is the largest source of advertising dollars in the US. It is also the single largest source of campaign money (legal bribes). Eliminating any parental choice over what vaccines a child gets is a top legislative goal for the drug industry. And Cuomo and the Democrats produced for them in New York. So it took stoking anti-Semitic flames, it will pass.
    This is the same Governor who said, "Right to life, pro-assault weapons, anti-gay - if that's who they are, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are." Let that soak in, the Governor of New York, who claims to be a Roman Catholic, is willing to say that anyone who agrees with the pro-life stance or the traditional view on marriage of his purported own Church, and the entire Hasidic community he claims to care so much about, should leave New York. Yeah, Andy, tolerance.
     Last night the Governor said, "If someone thinks there isn't something poisonous then they are in denial." Absolutely Governor, but who is in denial?
     Cuomo makes no secret of his presidential ambitions, so we are sending this New York-focused Action Alert nationwide. There are still rumors he may enter the Democratic primary.

     See the press conference here:


Anonymous said…
"And Agudat Israel, an umbrella group of Orthodox organizations, made exactly that argument trying to stop the repeal of the religious exemption". I don't agree with John on that. Can you clarify?
I don't know what John Gilmore is referring to but evidently he is aware of information that may not be public. I have mot seen a public demonstration of support for the vaccine injury awareness community,for parental rights, for informed consent,for the religious right to object to vaccines,or for the scientific right to object to vaccines, from the Agudath Israel organization. Perhaps they are engaging in "quiet diplomacy"? I have only seen public support for this issue from the most senior member of the Agudath Israel Rabbinic Advisory Board and that is Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky May he live and be well till at least 120. The fact that a Rabbi of the stature of Rabbi Kaminetzky, has publicly declared that vaccination is a violation of Jewish religious law, gives lie to those who claim that there is no basis in Judaism to oppose vaccination.