Yeshiva World News Strikes Again with calls for Gestapo like Censorship
Yeshiva World News published the article below and I responded with the comment below which they refused to publish. Despite having a religious sounding name, Yeshiva World News does not represent the Orthodox Jewish Community, nor the Ultra Orthodox Community. They are owned and managed reportedly by Judah Eckstein. Yeshiva World News makes money off of medical industry advertising, so it is no surprise that they cravenly wish to support their source of revenue. This is another example of how the CDC and its Mafia have managed to infiltrate the news outlets that supply information to the Jewish community.
My comment
Because you drowned others you yourself were drowned - Ethics of the Fathers. Be careful what you wish for Mr Eckstein. Your call for censorship and suppression of free speech, and free press, will come back to bite you. You have placed yourself in league with the Gestapo and the NKVD. You don't have the guts to debate the science or the public policy so you call for shutting down the conversation. On top of that you defame,slander, and libel, good people in the Jewish community and very righteous people like Del Bigtree may God Watch over and protect him, outside of the Jewish Community.
You hide behind the name of "Yeshiva World" like the Treife Pig that holds up it's feet and says I am pure. But your website is nothing but an Impure, Treif, Unkosher, embarrassment to the Jewish Community.
Yehi Ratzon that your sick website should go out of business quickly and speedily in our days.
Leaders of the anti-vaxx movement have been chased out from
Jewish communities across North America. Now, they are trying their luck
in Jerusalem.
Using various secretive methods, the group has surfaced in Yerushalayim, hiding behind the innocuous sounding name: Ezrat Menachem. Using email and social media, they have publicized an event this week featuring one of the most outrageous anti-vaxx activists, huckster Del Bigtree. Bigtree is a huckster who is famous for promulgating the disproven link between autism and vaccines.
Promoters of the event have gone to great lengths to keep the
location secret. Participants are asked to register and have been told
that they will be notified of the location on the day of the event. We
can now exclusively report that the event is slated to take place at the
Jerusalem Garden Hotel, at 745 PM on Wednesday Nov 19.
Rabbonim of the English-speaking community in Yerushalayim are incensed that this debunked philosophy is being brought to the Holy City. They have called for protests outside the hotel during the event. Additionally, community leaders are urging people to contact the Jerusalem Garden Hotel at 02-655-8888 or
My comment
Because you drowned others you yourself were drowned - Ethics of the Fathers. Be careful what you wish for Mr Eckstein. Your call for censorship and suppression of free speech, and free press, will come back to bite you. You have placed yourself in league with the Gestapo and the NKVD. You don't have the guts to debate the science or the public policy so you call for shutting down the conversation. On top of that you defame,slander, and libel, good people in the Jewish community and very righteous people like Del Bigtree may God Watch over and protect him, outside of the Jewish Community.
You hide behind the name of "Yeshiva World" like the Treife Pig that holds up it's feet and says I am pure. But your website is nothing but an Impure, Treif, Unkosher, embarrassment to the Jewish Community.
Yehi Ratzon that your sick website should go out of business quickly and speedily in our days.
Anti-Vaxxers Attempt To Infiltrate Yerushalayim English Speaking Community

Using various secretive methods, the group has surfaced in Yerushalayim, hiding behind the innocuous sounding name: Ezrat Menachem. Using email and social media, they have publicized an event this week featuring one of the most outrageous anti-vaxx activists, huckster Del Bigtree. Bigtree is a huckster who is famous for promulgating the disproven link between autism and vaccines.
Rabbonim of the English-speaking community in Yerushalayim are incensed that this debunked philosophy is being brought to the Holy City. They have called for protests outside the hotel during the event. Additionally, community leaders are urging people to contact the Jerusalem Garden Hotel at 02-655-8888 or
