The skyrocketing suicide rate and more on the promiscuity pedophilia vaccination nexus

Below is a link to todays  Highwire show by Del Bigtree. In it at about the 32 minute mark he interviews Dr. Peter Breggin MD about the rising suicide rate among American youth. Among the many notable points that Dr Breggin made is that when he was growing up in the 1950s, there was no rampant promiscuity among children. Now however promiscuity is being pushed on children. Dr Breggin cited the early introduction and social pressure of sexuality and promiscuity on children as one of the psychological stressors that is a contributing factor to the rising suicide rates.
Of course if you are a left wing militant atheist that is not a problem because if a girl gets pregnant she is entitled to abortion on demand and should not have to inform her parents.
Interestingly Adam Schiff, May the name of the wicked rot, has called for censorship of " online vaccine misinformation". Schiff has not called for censoring pornography because evidently he wants children to be exposed to it. It becomes an inescapable conclusion that the Democrats have an agenda to socially engineer society in a direction that pedophilia should become socially acceptable and legalized.
Unfortunately some Orthodox Rabbis have fallen victim to this scheme and signed on to the phony premise of Sex Ed for Child Protection and non parental consent for Abortion.  Below under the link to the Highwire is a quote sent to me from a David Lichtenstein Headlines podcast in which Rabbi Dr Aaron Glatt advocates the same position as Senator Lauren Book  with regards to children consenting to Abortion.Rabbi Dr. Aaron  Glatt is also one of the leading proponents of throwing children out of yeshiva if they are not vaccinated  in accordance with the CDC recommendations. As he published in the Jewish Press, "Vaccinate or Homeschool"

"Leading health organizations like the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Society for Adolescent Medicine and the American Public Health Association. All of them oppose these forced parental consent for abortion laws not because of a political ideology – they don’t have one – but rather because scientific data, extensive research and the experience of healthcare providers on the front lines is that these laws endanger the people they’re supposedly passed to protect." - Attributed to Rabbi Dr Aaron Glatt on a David Lichtenstein Headlines Podcast.


Chad Pa'ami said…
There's a mistake in this piece.
Dr. Not-so-Glatt used the same reasoning for force vaccinating as the article in the previous post used for abortion, but did not say it in reference to abortion.
When "daas-Torah" and "daas-abortionists" coincide....
we've got a huge problem

Here’s the exact quote

On the question of vaccinating children against the major vaccine preventable illnesses, both the most competent and the majority of experts hold the same view. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, all 50 State Departments of Health in the U.S., the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society, the American College of Physicians, plus every other major professional infection control organization in the world, are unanimous in their opinion. “Leis man depalig.” No expert organization disagrees.