Florida State Senator Lauren Book Loves Forced Vaccination and Abortion Without Parental Consent
Below is an article tweeted out the other day by Florida State Senator Lauren Book. Lauren Book is part of the Democrat Fascist Party that is moving against parental rights, bodily autonomy, and religious freedom all across the the United States of the formally free America. They have a adopted a United Nations World Health Organization mandate to empower children against their parents - so called "Children's Rights". Ultimately what this means is getting rid of parental oversite of children and empowering the state with the ultimate authority over your children. Included in this innocuous sounding but sick agenda is the passing of legislation to allow children as young as 9 years old to be vaccinated against sexually transmitted diseases like HPV, without the knowledge of their parents. Lauren Book's friends in New York, State Senators Brad Hoylman and Liz Kreuger are leading just such a legislative drive right now.
The agenda also includes allowing pregnant children to get abortions without the knowledge of their parents. It will only be a matter of time before they legislate the lowering of the age of consent and thereby legalize pedophilia. After all if a child can consent to a vaccination and abortion , why can't they consent to sexual relations with an adult? Along these lines is the push to allow children to consent to gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatment. We also see the overall sexualization of children in the popular culture, and now we understand the real agenda behind the sex education system in the public schools. It is not about protecting children but about indoctrinating them at a young age to engage in in sexual depravity and promiscuity.
As we have recorded previously on this blog this push is not only about the profit margin of Merck and the bribes they have paid to Lauren Book and various Democrat Fascist operatives around the country. It is about destroying religion and taking away your freedom and it is being fueled by a militant atheist theology.
Orthodox Rabbis like Dr David Shabtai and Efrem Goldberg, who are supporting Lauren Book in this wicked evil agenda, have been duped under the false pretense of protecting children against infectious disease. They also think they are preventing anti semitism by promoting compulsory vaccination. However by empowering Democrat led legislative tyranny they are actually putting everyone in physical danger and will create antisemitism. Who do you think non Jews will blame when the dam of lies constructed by the CDC breaks and the country realizes they have been lied to about vaccine safety since the time of the Salk vaccine?
The agenda also includes allowing pregnant children to get abortions without the knowledge of their parents. It will only be a matter of time before they legislate the lowering of the age of consent and thereby legalize pedophilia. After all if a child can consent to a vaccination and abortion , why can't they consent to sexual relations with an adult? Along these lines is the push to allow children to consent to gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatment. We also see the overall sexualization of children in the popular culture, and now we understand the real agenda behind the sex education system in the public schools. It is not about protecting children but about indoctrinating them at a young age to engage in in sexual depravity and promiscuity.
As we have recorded previously on this blog this push is not only about the profit margin of Merck and the bribes they have paid to Lauren Book and various Democrat Fascist operatives around the country. It is about destroying religion and taking away your freedom and it is being fueled by a militant atheist theology.
Orthodox Rabbis like Dr David Shabtai and Efrem Goldberg, who are supporting Lauren Book in this wicked evil agenda, have been duped under the false pretense of protecting children against infectious disease. They also think they are preventing anti semitism by promoting compulsory vaccination. However by empowering Democrat led legislative tyranny they are actually putting everyone in physical danger and will create antisemitism. Who do you think non Jews will blame when the dam of lies constructed by the CDC breaks and the country realizes they have been lied to about vaccine safety since the time of the Salk vaccine?
Florida law requires that parents or guardians be notified if their daughter is planning to have an abortion.
State Sen. Kelli Stargel, R-Lakeland, is sponsoring a bill that would change the law to require the parent consent to the procedure. To a lot of people, including responsible parents, this sounds like common sense. But as a doctor with patients who have been abused by their parent or guardian I see a very different side to this issue.
I would like to believe most of us start from a place of wanting what is best for our young people, wanting them all to feel safe and supported by their families. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case and a one-size-fits-all government mandate can’t fix that. In fact, what we know is that forced parental consent laws actually endanger our most at risk youth.
The research shows these laws have almost no effect on a young woman’s decision to talk with her parent or guardian about the decision to have an abortion. Not surprisingly, the primary factor in determining whether a teen will consult their parent is the quality of that relationship, not a government mandate.
Proponents of these laws like to point out other things that require parental consent like an aspirin or a field trip. But this is a false equivalency for a minor who was abused, possibly even raped and impregnated, by a parent or guardian. If this bill becomes law it could potentially put the abuser themselves in control of a minor’s decision about getting an abortion. That’s the kind of real world situation we have to be honest about in considering legislation like this.
The proponents of these bills will tell you they’ve thought of that too. They will tell you not to worry, that in these cases the courts can intervene on the young person’s behalf. Again, sounds reasonable, but in the real world it just doesn’t work out that way.
A report by the American Academy of Pediatrics entitled “The Adolescent’s Right to Confidential Care When Considering Abortion” found “existing research shows that most minors 14 to 17 years of age are as competent as adults to provide consent to abortion, are able to understand the risks and benefits of the options, and are able to make voluntary, rational, and independent decisions.” What’s more, the article found, “judges that preside over these proceedings testify unequivocally that the procedure has no benefits to minors.”
The report goes on to find, “The pregnant adolescent is required to divulge intimate details of her private life to dozens of strangers (clerks, bailiffs, court reporters, witnesses, and others) to obtain a brief (10-minute) hearing before a judge who has no first-hand knowledge of her case and typically no training in counseling adolescents or developmental issues.” The article concludes, “Experts agree that the judicial bypass process is an undue burden for minors seeking an abortion.”
If you’re not sure what to think about forced parental consent laws I would ask you who you think knows more about what is best for our young people, politicians or leading health organizations like the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Society for Adolescent Medicine and the American Public Health Association. All of them oppose these forced parental consent for abortion laws not because of a political ideology – they don’t have one – but rather because scientific data, extensive research and the experience of healthcare providers on the front lines is that these laws endanger the people they’re supposedly passed to protect.
The bottom line is that forced parental consent is misguided and will make already difficult situations harder, put at risk youth in even greater danger and isn’t shown to have any real benefits.
Dr. Sujatha Prabhakaran is medical director of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, based in Sarasota.