Vaccine Refusers The New Al Qaeda ????
Below is a great article by John Gilmore. I have often thought when taking off my shoes in the airport or taking off my belt to get into the capital building in Albany that Osama Bin Ladin won. We no longer have our Freedom and Liberty in the USA.
The tradition of Osama Bin Ladin has been taken up by our own politicians who under the guise of safety and security have obliterated our God granted rights and freedoms.
9/11, California, New York and
Maine, Terrorism eighteen years on.
This following is an editorial by
John Gilmore, Executive Director of the Autism Action Network.
ago today hijackers transformed two airliners into cruise missiles and
crashed them into the World Trade Center. As we all know, thousands died.
Anyone who is old enough to remember that day will never forget it. That
morning I heard a report on the radio that a “light plane” had crashed into
one of the towers. Even from a distance of 18 miles, the World Trade Center
was normally clearly visible from our kitchen window, and as I looked toward
lower Manhattan on that crystal blue day, I thought it strange that there was
a weird cloud obscuring the towers. Then I realized it was billowing smoke.
Just days before
9/11, my wife and I received the devastating confirmation that our fears
about our younger son Luke were correct, and that he had autism. We didn’t
know it at the time but our experience with Luke was a common one. Following
a fever after getting a group of shots, Luke lost his few words, began to
appear deaf, lost any sense of pain, and began odd repetitive behaviors. That
news turned our personal lives upside down, on 9/11 the entire world seemed
upside down.
That horrible
day generated thousands of questions. One key question was, “Why?” A week or
so later President George W. Bush offered an answer in a joint session of
Congress. He said, “They hate our freedoms — our freedom of religion, our
freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each
This morning I
was thinking about that day 18 years ago, and what is happening now. Several
days ago, three brave parents in Sacramento took the step we all knew was
coming, just like Rosa Parks more than half a century ago on a Montgomery,
Alabama bus, they refused to comply with injustice and conducted civil
disobedience leading to their arrest. No doubt this this will be the first of
many to come.
parents were in Sacramento attempting to stop the passage of a law that will
muzzle physicians from straying from the medically orthodox line that,
“Vaccines are safe!” The people who are always telling us to suspend our own
judgment and listen to doctors are now telling us not to listen to the
doctors, and taking away the doctors' right to think, use their judgment, and
put their patients’ interests first.
The same day in
Albany, the state capital of New York, 500 parents were locked out of a
normally public meeting of the Regents, our state board that sets school
policy. In a few days 26,000 students will lose their right to an education
because their families have religious beliefs the State will no longer
tolerate, and our Regents had nothing to say about it. In Albany and
Sacramento thousands of parents had the same chant, ‘Let us in!”
The Autism
Action Network fights for you and your family every day, please keep us in
the struggle. If you value the advocacy and information brought to by the
Autism Action Network, please make it possible for us to continue our work by
donating at our one fundraiser of the year we do in conjunction with the
Autism Community Walk here:
A few months
ago, New Yorkers had our right to a religious exemption from vaccine mandates
to attend school taken away. Our legislators took away a fundamental right we
have always had in this state without a single public hearing or opportunity
for the people to be heard. Our Assembly Health Committee re-voted at the
behest of our Speaker when the first vote came back to kill the bill. Our
Senate conducted their vote behind locked doors.
We now have
internal religious refugees in the United Sates, thousands of families have
fled, or are planning to flee, New York, California and Maine for states
where they will be able to live in accord with their religious beliefs and
exercise their God-given right as parents to care for their children.
Dozens of
states are considering bills to limit our rights and force more vaccinations
on unwilling people. Measles outbreaks are used around the world as a pretext
to eliminate any right to refuse vaccines.
The political
party that claims, “My body, my choice,” as one of its most closely
held values, leads the charge to take away any choice at all to decide what
will happen with our bodies or our children’s bodies.
candidates try to one-up each other to show how ferocious they would be in
doing the vaccine cartel’s bidding.
We have members
of Congress calling for censorship of any criticism of the vaccine industry.
The giant tech monopolies are more than happy to oblige.
The US House of
Representatives is considering a resolution denying that vaccine injuries
even happen, a mantra that we hear repeatedly in the media and from our
elected officials.
This is a
global fight between the parents of the world against the cartel that
controls 90% of the world vaccine market: Pfizer, Merck, Glaxo and Sanofi. We
tend to focus on the politicians, but they are just the hired help in this
four are also the largest drug manufacturers in the world. They are the
largest source of campaign money for politicians in the US, and they are the
leading source of advertising dollars as well (the two largest recipients of
advertising revenue in the world are Facebook and Google.)
In our
efforts to keep our rights in New York we were called Nazis, lunatics, and
every expletive you have ever heard. Far more troubling, a former Obama
administration official in an editorial published in a newspaper owned by the
richest man in the world called parents who question the good intentions of
the vaccine cartel, “terrorists."
Just like the hijackers on 9/11. And we all know what happens to
battle for our fundamental human rights has reached a place most of us
probably never imagined it could reach. But here we are. And we will be in it
for the long haul. Let’s look to those brave parents in Sacramento, and the
long history of Americans fighting for our rights, and know that we have
truth and justice on our side, and if we persevere, we will prevail.