Robert Kennedy Jr. Explains to New York Councilman Chaim Deutsch Why Religious Jews Must Flee the Democrat Party

In a recent Op Ed in the Jewish Press Chaim Deutsch headlined an opinion piece that religious Jews in New York Must register as Democrats. His reasoning was so that people like him can be "in the room" with the Democrats when important decisions are made so he can have some influence. One of the important issues Chaim Deutsch takes credit for is Kosher and Halal Lunches in the public schools.
This past December several thousand healthy unvaccinated children in private yeshiva schools in 9 Brooklyn Zipcodes were kicked out of school indefinitely by the New York City Department of Health because of a small and minor Measles outbreak in the two neighborhoods of Borough Park and Williamsburg. The New York City Department of Health engaged in the worst kind of racial profiling and Anti Semitism by lumping all Jews in Brooklyn together as potentially infectious and excluded children from schools in neighborhoods where there were no cases of Measles. Only Orthodox Jewish Children who attended yeshivas were excluded. Public School Children in the same geographic proximity as the Measles outbreak were not excluded from school.
When parents of these suspended children appealed to Chaim Deutsch for help he gave them the cold shoulder refusing to help or meet with them.
The entire obliteration of Civil Rights and Religious Freedom in New York City and State is being steamrolled on the citizenry by Chaim Deutsch's beloved Democrats.
Robert Kennedy Jr. a life long Progressive Democrat, explains in the video below how the Democrat party is not only Treif for the Jews but has become the Party of Facsism,Communism, and Totalitarianism.
Perhaps after viewing this video, Orthodox Jews in New York will come to their senses and help eradicate the evil Democrat party from our midst in a  nonviolent manner by supporting a political party to replace them.
