Real ID and the Coming Pharmaceutical Police State
Its not just about vaccines. We are late in the game and behind the eight ball. Our leaders are holding our hands and walking us into the gas chambers and telling us the Zyklon B is safe and effective and you are a meshugena - a lunatic if you resist or "hesitate". Just take the bar of soap and go into the shower room.
Thank you to Jeffery Jaxen for this article and to Robert Scott Bell, and Del Bigtree for trying to wake us up while there is still time to save ourselves from this accelerating Biometric tyranny.
The Hitler Holocaust was inspired and enabled by the American Big Tech, Big Philanthropy, and Big Industry firms of the time as was meticulously documented in various Edwin Black Books such as IBM and the Holocaust, and War Against the Weak. The Rockefeller Foundation,Ford Motor Company, Carnegie Foundation,IBM etc. etc. to name a few. The combination of Eugenics with big "charity" big tech and industry resulted in the worst atrocities in the history of mankind.
We are seeing it played out again but not just against the Jews this time.
For those of you too lazy to read and instead console yourselves by calling us "conspiracy theorists", you are welcome to move to Argentina. Alternately you can stay here and wait for Argentina to come to you.
Colombian law 1626 was introduced in 2013. Bureaucratic language
approved by a handful of senators established that HPV vaccination was
“free and mandatory.” What followed was widespread injuries to girls1 who received an HPV shot which was never safety tested against a saline placebo2 and includes a scientifically problematic and controversial aluminum adjuvant.3
The authorities and health officials in the country deemed that any and
all serious side effects experienced after the HPV vaccine were part of
mass hysteria collectively experienced by the teenage girls. A ‘blame
the victim’ stance was also implemented by health authorities in
Ireland, Denmark, Japan, and other countries whose HPV vaccine rollout
triggered massive injuries to teenage girls. Communities, such as Carmen
de BolÃvar,1 were torn apart by the injuries as the girls were left to suffer by a callous and complacent Colombian medical community.
In mid-December of 2018 Argentina unanimously passed its vaccine law4 through both cambers of congress without debate, political discussion and seeing just one negative vote against it. Learning nothing from the ongoing Colombian HPV issues, the new Argentinian law forces their entire 20 vaccine schedule upon its population of both children and adults. Using nearly identical talking points as seen in Colombia, the Argentinian bill’s author Dr. Pablo Yedlin boasted on Twitter, “They [vaccines] are free, they are your right and your obligation”
The law is perhaps the most overarching example seen to date of how invasive a government can become by forcing a medical intervention [vaccines] with questionable safety profiles onto its people. The recently approved law indicates “certification of compliance with the National Vaccination Calendar must be required” including for passports, driver’s licenses and National Identity Documents (DNI).
Argentinean media reports that the procedure of any identification document is not going to be interrupted for not having vaccines up to date, but that these procedures will serve as “control points” so that people comply with the corresponding vaccination. In Yedlin’s hometown of Tucuman, the media states, “… in order to facilitate universal coverage, in his province, Tucuman, vaccinators are being installed in some of the places where the DNI is obtained. In this way, those people who lack a vaccine may do so when they complete the paperwork, if they wish.”
The law goes even further to establish that there be mandatory advertisements and that all public health policies must be published and promoted in the media. It also establishes advantages of tax management for vaccines to clear customs by removing value added taxes and withholdings to shipments of vaccines that arrive in Argentinean ports.
Is America immune from the sweeping authoritarian moves being experienced in Argentina? In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, The REAL ID Act was passed by Congress in 2005 and enacted the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that the Federal Government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses.” The U.S. Department of Homeland Security states:
The people of Argentina are now under siege by a medical-industrial complex that is actively forcing invasive medical products [vaccines] of questionable value upon them. The slow, boiling frog process experienced in the U.S. of incrementally eroding individual and parental rights with state laws, tracking systems and continual media propaganda has been abandoned in Argentina as their leadership has gone for broke. The desperation appears clear that medical systems are desperately trying to keep people locked into a limited healing paradigm.
Last year, Argentina tried and failed to ban home-birth. Such a move should have alerted the population that authoritarian lawmakers did not have their best interests in mind. The population now faces a major uphill battle to dislodge the predatory pharmaceutical industry and its forced vaccine mandates from their country. With history as a guide, it is important for the Argentinian people to act rapidly before the widespread vaccine reactions are experienced by their people. Without action now, future vaccine-injured Argentinians will be simply ignored, labeled antivaxers and rendered invisible by their media, government and medical community. Argentina now faces two possible futures to either become a courageous example of how a country reclaimed its health sovereignty from authoritarian vaccine mandates or the cautionary tale of the new high water mark of how far a pharmaceutically-captured government will go to force products on their people.
Note: This article was reprinted with the author’s permission. It was originally published at Jefferey Jaxen is an independant journalist, writer, and researcher.
Thank you to Jeffery Jaxen for this article and to Robert Scott Bell, and Del Bigtree for trying to wake us up while there is still time to save ourselves from this accelerating Biometric tyranny.
The Hitler Holocaust was inspired and enabled by the American Big Tech, Big Philanthropy, and Big Industry firms of the time as was meticulously documented in various Edwin Black Books such as IBM and the Holocaust, and War Against the Weak. The Rockefeller Foundation,Ford Motor Company, Carnegie Foundation,IBM etc. etc. to name a few. The combination of Eugenics with big "charity" big tech and industry resulted in the worst atrocities in the history of mankind.
We are seeing it played out again but not just against the Jews this time.
For those of you too lazy to read and instead console yourselves by calling us "conspiracy theorists", you are welcome to move to Argentina. Alternately you can stay here and wait for Argentina to come to you.
Argentina’s New Vaccine Law is a Blueprint for American Real ID
Published January 25, 2019 | Law, International

In mid-December of 2018 Argentina unanimously passed its vaccine law4 through both cambers of congress without debate, political discussion and seeing just one negative vote against it. Learning nothing from the ongoing Colombian HPV issues, the new Argentinian law forces their entire 20 vaccine schedule upon its population of both children and adults. Using nearly identical talking points as seen in Colombia, the Argentinian bill’s author Dr. Pablo Yedlin boasted on Twitter, “They [vaccines] are free, they are your right and your obligation”
The law is perhaps the most overarching example seen to date of how invasive a government can become by forcing a medical intervention [vaccines] with questionable safety profiles onto its people. The recently approved law indicates “certification of compliance with the National Vaccination Calendar must be required” including for passports, driver’s licenses and National Identity Documents (DNI).
Argentinean media reports that the procedure of any identification document is not going to be interrupted for not having vaccines up to date, but that these procedures will serve as “control points” so that people comply with the corresponding vaccination. In Yedlin’s hometown of Tucuman, the media states, “… in order to facilitate universal coverage, in his province, Tucuman, vaccinators are being installed in some of the places where the DNI is obtained. In this way, those people who lack a vaccine may do so when they complete the paperwork, if they wish.”
The law goes even further to establish that there be mandatory advertisements and that all public health policies must be published and promoted in the media. It also establishes advantages of tax management for vaccines to clear customs by removing value added taxes and withholdings to shipments of vaccines that arrive in Argentinean ports.
Is America immune from the sweeping authoritarian moves being experienced in Argentina? In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, The REAL ID Act was passed by Congress in 2005 and enacted the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that the Federal Government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses.” The U.S. Department of Homeland Security states:
Starting October 1, 2020, every state and territory resident will need to present a REAL ID compliant license/ID, or another acceptable form of identification, for accessing Federal facilities, entering nuclear power plants, and boarding commercial aircraft. This is what we call “card-based” enforcement.5The government REAL ID mandate at the federal level requires the use of face biometric6 standards that allows for facial recognition and authentication of users. Radio host Robert Scott Bell was recently interviewed7 about the REAL ID by Del Bigtree on The HightWire. Bell, entering his twentieth year in broadcasting, has followed the progression of the REAL ID since its inception in 2005 and he warned:
The head of the Department of Homeland Security has the ability under this law to continue to expand, without congressional oversight, what laws and rules apply to this REAL ID.7The disease prevention and health promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services put forth the federal initiative Healthy People 2020. Its goal has been set to have from seventy to ninety-five percent coverage of all childhood and adult vaccinations by the year 2020. Bell commented:
We could see an expansion into limiting your ability to travel if you are not fully vaccinated. Tie this into Healthy People 2020 mandates where they’re looking to go into adult mandates for vaccination.7Adult mandates for vaccination in the U.S. have been slow to take hold compared to the Argentina blitzkrieg. Due to sustained and increasing resistance, vaccine injury deniers in government, often backed by or working with vaccine makers, have been hamstrung to get laws passed requiring vaccination for school entry. The major U.S. effort to target adults with mandatory and coercive vaccination has been at the medical level by targeting nurses. However, even that attempt has been picked apart and ruled to be unreasonable and ineffective.8
The people of Argentina are now under siege by a medical-industrial complex that is actively forcing invasive medical products [vaccines] of questionable value upon them. The slow, boiling frog process experienced in the U.S. of incrementally eroding individual and parental rights with state laws, tracking systems and continual media propaganda has been abandoned in Argentina as their leadership has gone for broke. The desperation appears clear that medical systems are desperately trying to keep people locked into a limited healing paradigm.
Last year, Argentina tried and failed to ban home-birth. Such a move should have alerted the population that authoritarian lawmakers did not have their best interests in mind. The population now faces a major uphill battle to dislodge the predatory pharmaceutical industry and its forced vaccine mandates from their country. With history as a guide, it is important for the Argentinian people to act rapidly before the widespread vaccine reactions are experienced by their people. Without action now, future vaccine-injured Argentinians will be simply ignored, labeled antivaxers and rendered invisible by their media, government and medical community. Argentina now faces two possible futures to either become a courageous example of how a country reclaimed its health sovereignty from authoritarian vaccine mandates or the cautionary tale of the new high water mark of how far a pharmaceutically-captured government will go to force products on their people.
Note: This article was reprinted with the author’s permission. It was originally published at Jefferey Jaxen is an independant journalist, writer, and researcher.