A Time to HATE - Ecclesiastes 3:8 Those who love the lord HATE Evil - Psalm 97:10 .

Comrade Crooked Cuomo is pushing forward efforts to codify "Hatred" and any ideology or belief he and his band of merry Democrat Communists  do not agree with as a "Thought Crime". Below is a quote from Crooked Cuomo and a link to a lengthy screed of quotes from Democrat Communist party apparatchiks from his NY.gov. Also below is a supporting statement from Agudath Israel of America an organization that claims to represent Orthodox Jewish values and Orthodox Jewish People but has arguably drifted from that posture to instead embrace those interests that  benefit it's own organizational survival.
"Hate" is not a crime, and should not ever be considered a crime. We have defended the right of Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam to hate and despise anyone he wants and to express that as publicly as he sees fit. We will also defend the right of "White Supremacists" to hate and despise and publicly express themselves as well. The Freedom of speech,expression, and religion are sacred bedrocks enshrined in the Bill of Rights that protect us all. The attempt by the Democrats to remove these freedoms and impose censorship with the collaboration of the Tech Giants is so dastardly and despicable that it rises to the level of the Nazi Book Burnings and the crimes of Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung against their perceived political or potential opposition.
We have gotten to the point where Anti Vaxxers, Non Conformists, and Non Democrats are being called "Domestic Terrorists" with all that implies. This is very dangerous and must be resisted and denounced.
We have the  God Given right and even a religious obligation to despise and HATE that which the Bible calls a Toeva - loosely translated as an abomination. This includes such culturally popular behaviors like Cross Dressing,Transgenderism, and Homosexuality. Now under Cuomo and his Hench Creatures,those of us who wish to follow the Bible's direction on these and other matters will be considered "Domestic Terrorists".
Hating someone and expressing an opinion or view is not a crime and there is no need to amplify existing crimes of murder, assault, or the like by attaching to  them the "Hate Crime" moniker.
What this really is about is criminalizing your thoughts and opinions and defining them as dangerous and  threatening in order to curtail free speech.
So, Anti Vaxxers are not entitled to their opinion that vaccines are dangerous, unsafe and ineffective and it should be criminal to spread such heretical views because such "speech" and "thought" is "dangerous".
Criticizing the LGBTQ agenda to introduce these perversions to young kids in school in order to sexualize children is "dangerous" because it may lead to "bullying" or suicide and discriminates against these perverts.
Having a "Right Wing" or Conservative Political viewpoint and talking about it could inspire a deranged shooter to conduct a mass shooting and so, such speech must be silenced.
Criticizing the Mental Health industry and the wisdom of pumping Americans and especially children with psychoactive drugs is a danger to public mental health and must not be allowed.
Criticizing the Global Warming/Climate Change/Global Cooling/Green energy  movement as a scam is endangering the world and such critics must be jailed.
Defending the right to bear arms and the right to defend your body,property, and family, with weapons such as guns, puts you in danger of being "Red Flagged".  
You get the picture.
The Democrats want to shut up and silence critical thinking and opposition to their perverse social engineering agenda. They want to label anyone who disagrees with their agenda as a dangerous subversive.
Shame on the Agudah organization for acquiescing to this evil agenda and not sticking up for the Torah, Jewish values, and  the underdog minority of Orthodox Jews who have been targeted by Cuomo and his  Democrat Perverts like Brad Hoylman, Jeffery Dinowitz, Deborah Glick, Liz Kreuger,Carl Heastie and the whole motley crew of the New York Democrat Majority.
I am proud to say I HATE and DESPISE the LGBTQ agenda and all the perverts who support it. A loud and proud NO to forcing Transgender education, bathrooms, and locker rooms, on children in any school under the false guise of "tolerance". What about tolerance for traditional family and religious values?
NO to restricting people from trying to engage in conversion therapy. NO to allowing the Medical Industrial complex to mutilate people with Gender Reassignment surgery and Hormone abuse.
These people are sick and should be voted out of office never allowed to return to the political arena again.
Mass Shootings are not "fueled" by "Hate". In every instance we find that the perpetrators were on Psychotropic Pharmaceutical drugs that impair their impulse control mechanisms and directly cause Suicidal and Homicidal ideation and indeed action. It's time to put the blame for the mass shootings where it really belongs, right on the door step of the Pharmaceutical industry.
We need the corrupt government oversight agencies to answer why there was no epidemic of mass shootings prior to the 1990s. What changed and why has nothing been done about it?
Stop blaming "Hatred" which is a normal human emotion and is even mandated by scripture.

Cuomo: "White supremacists, anti-Semites, anti-LGBTQ white nationalists - these are Americans committing mass hate crimes against other Americans and it should be recognized for what it is: domestic terrorism. It is not just repulsive, immoral, and anti-American - it is illegal and we must confront it by enacting a new law to fit the crime."

Agudath Israel applauds
on this proposal. Domestic terrorism fueled by hate poses no less a danger than international terrorism. Thank you Governor for recognizing this danger and for taking action to combat it.
