The Public Health Deep State Mafia Behind the Obliteration of Vaccine Choice And Freedom
If you want to know ultimately where the buck stops for the fiasco in New York State and other states that are eliminating vaccine religious exemptions you will find that it starts in the corrupt Federal agencies that are wholly owned subsidiaries of pharmaceutical companies like Merck, Sanofi, Glaxo, and Pfizer.
Below is just a tiny sampling of the Public Health Deep State Mafia which consists of Government, Industry, and Non Profit groups working together to undermine the Medical Freedom and Choice of Americans as well as Religious Liberty.You can listen and watch online to the most recent NVAC - National Vaccine Advisory Committee meetings, which were held in early June 2019. You will see the creepy, unelected, unaccountable Bureaucrats that are working in concert to deprive you of your freedom and liberty. Or you can watch some of the online webinars from the Public Health Legislative Network, a "Nonprofit" Organization that is part of a well organized legislative effort to eviscerate personal freedom and liberty in the name of public health and remove legal protections against forced vaccination.
The cancerous, metastatic, Deep State Public Health Neoplasm is deep, broad, and has endless resources to accomplish it's goals and objectives with detailed strategic planning and military precision.This tyrannical public health construct runs from the Federal Government down through the State and Local government levels and is completely integrated with the "non profit" world, Global Health authorities like the W.H.O., as well as the Medical, Military, Media, industrial complex.
If you listen to these non profit directors, government bureaucrats, and attorneys, you will hear them making fun of and deriding the "ANTI VAXXERS" and making false claims that the "organized antivaxxer community" "targeted" the ("ignorant") ("uneducated") New York Orthodox Jewish Community with Anti Vax Propaganda also known as "Misinformation".
Actually I pointed out many months ago that the entire American Orthodox Jewish Community was targeted by the Public Health Non Profit Pharmaceutical Complex with heavy propaganda and a deliberate divide and conquer strategy.
Rabbis and Community leaders were recruited to fight against religious liberty with the goal of promoting compulsory vaccination. A de-legitimization and defamation strategy was used to demonize,socially ostracize, and expel, non vaccinators from all participation in organized Orthodox Jewish Life.
They even went so far as to send emissaries to Israel to recruit prominent Orthodox Rabbis for their cause. One famous example is Dr Robert Shanik traveling to Bnei Brak to try and get Rabbi Chaim Kaniefsky to agree that it would be acceptable to expel unvaccinated children from school. To the consternation of Dr Shanik, Rabbi Kaniefsky did not agree. So the pro forced vaccine activists went Rabbi shopping and were able to get the blessings of Rabbi Asher Weiss, and Rabbi Moshe Shternboch under the false pretense of public health and exaggerated claims of danger from Measles.
After putting this out in the open and exposing it, I found that the Vaccine pushers turned it around to claim that it was the "organized anti vax movement" that targeted the community. What a bunch of liars. The "Anti Vax Movement" is no movement. It is mostly Ex Vaxxer parents who saw that vaccines were harming their children. So they stopped vaccinating in order not to harm their children further or not to harm their younger children. Anti Vaxxers mostly have little to no funding and certainly can not compete with the Billions of dollars spent annually on propaganda by entities like the CDC and the sample list of "ABC" agencies, committees, and "working groups" listed below.
I am posting some links to public you tube videos of some of these meetings. You can see and hear the detailed legislative strategizing surrounding efforts to "legislate"vaccine compliance by the Network For Public Health Law and their collaborators in State and Local government. You can see and hear detailed scheming and planning at the Federal level in NVAC meetings and affiliated agencies to push Adult Vaccination compliance. Yes Adult compliance. That is the ultimate end game goal of removing vaccine religious exemptions for children.
Even if you are in favor of vaccination for your self or your children,you should be very disturbed by the Orwellian all reaching and all seeing eye of the Government making sure it has a compliant and obedient citizenry.
These efforts are being aided by the latest AI technology and extensive data bases that can pinpoint who is vaccinated, who is not vaccinated and where they live. This is how the New York City Department of Health Shutzstaffel was able to pinpoint which Jewish Homes in Williamsburg, Brooklyn to send armed agents to, with a knock on the door in the nighttime, and prepared summonses for the crime of not being vaccinated. One of these systems is called the IIS - Immunization Information systems - You can go to the CDC website and learn all about it or listen to the NVAC presentation below for an update.
As noted in previous posts, the Internet information monopolies of Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Amazon, together with mainstream media, have been weaponized to conduct broad censorship and psychological manipulation campaigns to persuade the public that vaccines are good, and necessary, and that Anti Vaxxers are dangerous and need to be shut down and shut up.
We have seen calls from pro vaccine thought leaders like Dorit Reiss, and NYC DOH commissioner Oxiris Barbot and their ilk to impose financial penalties and jail for non vaccinators and for the thought crime of questioning government industry vaccine dogma. There are calls to arrest parents who do not vaccinate their children and to forcibly vaccinate those children.
It is impossible to separate this discussion from politics. For the most part the compulsory vaccine agenda pushed by the Deep State Public Health Mafia is being championed by the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has embraced Socialist Ideology which eschews Individual Freedom and Liberty and promotes hostility and hatred toward religious people.
The repeal of vaccine religious exemptions in New York State was engineered and executed by Democrats many of whom were paid off by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of campaign contributions.
The Pharmaceutical industry and it's Deep State agencies are concerned that President Trump will overhaul the Department of Health and Human Services and take away the Vaccine Cash Cow. So they are donating lots of money to people like Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Democrat Party as well as Democrats around the country. One of their aims is to thwart the reelection of President Trump. It is no accident that Democrat New York State Attorney General Letitia James is vigorously harassing the Trump Organization with state and Democrat party sanctioned Lawfare.
The only real answer to all of this corruption is a total dismantlement of this Deep State Public Health Pharmaceutical Mafia and the thoroughly corrupt and immoral Democrat Party that is helping to prop it up especially the New York State Democrat Party.
It is not clear that President Trump has the will or the power to tackle this issue. However we the voters have the power to sweep the Democrats out of office in New York State. As I have written previously it is not just about Vaccines. It is about the Orwellian takeover of society by a collaboration between a corrupt Democrat Socialist party and their Industrial Benefactors. There is a war on freedom of movement,freedom of commerce, free speech, normal family structure, and biological and scientific definitions of gender.
The New York State Democrats are now steamrolling thousands of speed cameras, redlight cameras and bus lane cameras and all sorts of surveillance cameras and systems to track, tax, and fine New Yorkers. All under the guise of "Public Health and Safety"
It is long past time to put the domestic Democrat terrorists and the Public Health Deep State out of business. Come November anyone who values personal freedom and choice and putting a leash on government overreach should help vote the Democrats out. It is a matter of Real Public Health.
From the Network For Public Health Law
Measles Outbreak: Public Health Authority, NYC’s Mandate, and the Current Legislative Landscape
From a recent NVAC Meeting which included presentations from
Immunization Partnership - "NON PROFIT"
Allison Winnike President CEO
Dr Carolyn Bridges IAC - Immunization Action Coalition - "NON PROFIT"
Sophine Byron NCQA - National Committee on Quality Assurance
Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS)
is a widely used set of performance measures in the managed care
industry, developed and maintained by the National Committee for Quality
Assurance (NCQA).
Rebbeca Coyle - AIRA - American Immunization Registry Association
NVAC Meeting: June 5, 2019: Adult Immunization Presentations with Address from Surgeon General Adams
A sampling of various Federal "ABC" agencies and "NON PROFITS" under the Aegis of HHS
NAIIS National Adult and Influenza Summit formed 2012 by IAC CDC and NVPO with an MOU - Memorandum Of Understanding Establishing Organizing Committee consisting of
- AAP - American Academy Of Pediatrics
- AAFP - American Academy of Family Physicians
- AAPA - American academy of Physician Assistants
- AANP - American Association Of Nurse Practitioners
- ACP - American College of Physicians
- ACOG - American College of Obstetricians And Gynocologists
- AMA - American Medical Association
- APHA - American Public Health Association
- APhA - American Pharmacists Association
- GSA - General Services Administration
- IDSA - Infectious Diseases Society of America
- NFID - National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
AIM - Association of Immunization managers NACCHO -National Association County and City Health Officials and AIRA - American Immunization Registry Association ASTHO - Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and BIO - Bio Technology Innovation Organization participate as SOC - Summit Organizing Committee Liaisons. Over 800 Participants Representing 140 Public and Private Groups.
More "ABC" agency acronyms
- NVAC National Vaccine Advisory Committee
- NVPO National Vaccine Program Office
- AHRQ Agency for Health Care Research and Quality
- NIH National Institutes of Health
- AVAC Aids vaccine advocacy coalition
- IAC Immunization Action Coalition