Corrupt Elijah Cummings and his selling out of the Black Community to Big Pharma

The Real Reason President Trump is going after Elijah Cummings appears to be because of the corruption represented in the PDF letter linked below which was dated July 15 2019 and sent to the Attorney General of Maryland as well as the missing money from the $1.8 BILLION Obama era American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that went to Baltimore.
As you can see from the letter we have here an example of more "Non Profit" corruption and this time it involves a Congressman and his wife and their various corporate and non profit entities with the same name GPS - Global Policy Solutions and the same address.

It is not just Baltimore that was sold out by Elijah Cummings but the entire Black Community.
Here is what Tony Muhammad a high ranking leader in the Nation of Islam had to say about Elijah Cummings:Excerpt and link to full article below. Bolding and Emphasis are mine.

TM: Right now it’s been limited support. We had two sister legislatures who stood up and did not vote for the SB277. Every other politician that we brought it to have tucked their tails and ran. I personally reached out to Congressman Elijah Cummings in Baltimore, because I knew him. We did business together. I called him. He’s over the committee that oversees the CDC. I called him on behalf of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and told him what I had. He was very cordial and friendly and excited even. I told him, “I’m going to send you all of the data so that you will see this for yourself. This man has hired a whistle-blower attorney and is admitting that they did something wrong.” He said, “Man, we just had them in here. Do you mean to tell me they lied?” I said, “You get the data and you make that decision for yourself, but we have to do something about this”.
He promised me that he would get on top of it and he would get back with me. Well three days later he called me and his whole countenance and energy changed and he said, “I’m for vaccines.” And I said, “Elijah, I’m not saying that you’re not for vaccines. We’re dealing with a whistle-blower who still works for the CDC who’s saying he lied and you all are using his study. It is his study that everybody beats everyone else back with that he said he lied about.” He said, “Look man, I’m not dealing with this. I’m not going to deal with this.” I was like, “Really? Right before the Million Man March (20th Anniversary)? You’re going to do this? I have to report this to the Minister?” He said, “Do what you have to do.” And he hung up.


Aliza said…
Your integrity and powerful grip on reality are the historical traits necessary to “neutralize” the illusionary satanic hold that fear of “VPD” has on way too many of our fellow Jews. The slavishly ignorant trust of pHARMa-fattened doctors & ignorant rabbis is rooted in a serious but unobtrusive twist in the chinuch of women that must have taken place at some point after Sara Schenirer’s students were no longer teachers. Just this past Shabbos I got this insight from an elderly woman in my Jerusalem neighborhood. She told me outright that she had teachers - women and rabbanim who highly encouraged independent thought and any and all possible questions to learn from. She told me how she saw that derech sadly change because of thie fear that if the children use their brains “too much” they’ll “go off the derech”. That is the beginning of abuse of power. If you want to see how the Agudah became entrenched in corruption - ignoring pirkei Avos advice to not connect to the govt and then honoring the moral degenerates should give us all some strong clues. Compromising integrity doesn’t sync with midvar sheker tirchak - but when trust in the RBShO is low, they “need” political clout - history repeatsh....therefore the Agudah irresponsibly put out a most shame-filled public statement:

"Nonsense and Insults at a Recent Monsey Gathering: rabbinic figures and leaders, including leading rabbis in the Agudath Israel movement and doctors serving these communities have repeatedly encouraged vaccination in the strongest possible terms. A recent gathering in Monsey, NY heavily promoted in orthodox Jewish areas featured figures in the anti-vaccination circuit, including a pediatrician who uses cranial-sacral therapy, homeopathy, essential oils, aromatherapy, yoga, reiki, meditation, reflexology, and mindfulness; a television producer who has sported a large yellow star at anti- vaccination rallies, and the author of a paper in the Lancet on vaccines that the publication retracted as fraudulent. The latter lost his British medical license for unethical behavior. Of particular concern to us were assertions made by a presenter speaking as a rabbi, a long-time agitator on behalf of controversial causes. In the past, the speaker has likened vaccination to child-sacrifice and at the recent gathering, he accused New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio of scapegoating Hasidim, being a very, very, sneaky fellow and of having German heritage. The speaker also blamed concern over the appearance of measles in orthodox communities on an effort to distract from the virulent diseases that are sweeping through the city from illegals. His assertions are nonsense and the personal attack on Mayor de Blasio is deeply offensive. It is unfortunate that he was allowed to share his imaginings with others."

BH - since starting awareness activism more than 10 years ago - we are blessed to have some wonderful collaboratoring leaders who aim to get emes to win. Let’s please brainstorm together. You have my email address - please contact me. Chazak ve’ematz!