The virtue signaling scientific ignorance in the New York State Legislature

One of the striking things about the Corrupt New York State Legislature's repeal of Vaccine Religious Exemptions is the shameful ignorance of science and the wider controversy surrounding Mass Compulsory Vaccination that was evident. Even those politicians who voted no on the repeal found it necessary to obsequiously declare that they were pro vaccine over and over again but were voting no because of concern over religious liberty.
The only politician to tell it like it is and speak the truth,Truth to Power, was Charles Barron. He got up and said he knows people who have children who were badly injured and killed by vaccines. and that the studies put out by the CDC are not trustworthy.
The one study that could put this controversy to rest has never been done. That is a long term comparative study on ALL health outcomes and ALL cause mortality between a group of vaccinated children and a group of fully unvaccinated children using inert placebos in the control group. We dont want to just look at Autism. We want to know if vaccines are causing Cancer,ADHD,Autoimmune disease and other conditions in addition to Autism.
The parents of children who regressed into severe Autism following vaccination already know that vaccines are dangerous.
Del Bigtree has reported that he and Bobby Kennedy met with the leaders of the HHS and asked them to do this study with the data they already have in the VSDL the Vaccine Safety Data Link which contains medical records for 10 million children. They refused and said they would never do that study.
The Vaccine Safety data link is a database originally paid for by the HHS and then sold to a private company to prevent Freedom of Information Requests for the data. The CDC still acts as a gatekeeper restricting access to the data base.
Not a single New York State politician referenced this. Not a single politician referenced the CDC Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson. Not a single politician referenced the 9 hours of sworn deposition testimony by Dr Stanley Plotkin. No one mentioned the Burbacher study on Thimerisol.
No one mentioned the Warfel study on Pertussis transmission from vaccinated individuals. No one mentioned any of the science about vaccine selection pressure generated mutant strains of Viral and Bacterial pathogens. No one mentioned the work of Dr Yehudah Shoenfeld or the problems with Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxy Phosphate Sulfate the Adjuvant in the HPV vaccine and formerly the Adjuvant in the DTP vaccine - the vaccine that led to the corrupt 1986 vaccine injury compensation act.
Instead we heard bashing of "antivaxxers" as the ones who don't "believe" in science.
It is time to clean out the scientifically ignorant corrupt liars from Albany starting with Hoylman, Dinowitz, and Cuomo. Vote these liars out of office.



Anonymous said…
Well said. It's the good fight, and I've been doing this for over 30 years to protect my healthy children who were raised in N.Y. They are all grown, and thriving in every way. We need a shareable no nonsense concise review (with extensive footnotes)of the peer reviewed published research indicting vaccine technology and also all the new and directly relevant research studying autoimmune triggers. Essential also, is a easily shareable, concise scholarly critical review of the specific safety and efficacy studies that were supplied to the U.S. regulatory agencies. Please skip the stupid graphics. What is circulating ubiquitously on the internet is research without a user friendly summary of what the direct implications are. I will never share anything without it being confirmed 100%, so I am forced to read every research paper, to the last footnote, and write my own summaries, if I ever get to it! As interesting as this is, I don't have the time necessary for this... In the interim, keeping thinking critically, keep writing and sharing, and pray for whistleblowers! We are going to win this because we have the science. Chazak V'Amatz!