The Measles Vaccine Hoax
Several Orthodox Jewish "Non Profit" Organization have banded together to promote Primary Measles Vaccine Failure awareness in Adults. These organizations include Agudath Israel, Hatzolah, Achiezer, and others in the Five Towns, Brooklyn.and Queens. They are offering free Blood tests to check antibody titers and free Measles vaccines. See here

and Here
One of the community activists leading the charge is Chaskel Bennet the guy who banned me together with city Councilman Chaim Deutsch from their Twitter feeds. It turns out Chaskel Bennet was horrified to find that despite being vaccinated according to CDC guidelines as a child, as an adult in his 40s he no longer has antibodies in his blood to Measles. Now all Orthodox Jewish adults are being urged by the Establishment leadership to "get your titers checked and get revaccinated. "Taken together with the Measles outbreak in Detroit which affected mostly fully vaccinated adults in their 20s to 40s and the anecdotal stories I have been hearing of many adults in that age range finding out that they have no antibodies, we can conclude that the claims of effectiveness for MMR were nothing but lies and a big hoax. Just like they have lied about the effectiveness and the duration of antibodies, they have lied about the safety profile.
It is becoming ever more apparent that the entire Measles Vaccine program is one big Hoax.
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, The most senior Rabbinic and Yeshiva Leader in the US has stated on numerous occasions both verbally and in writing that it is prohibited according to Jewish Religious Law to get Vaccinated.
Rabbi Kaminetzky was quoted a few years ago as stating that the Polio Vaccine was a hoax and just big business. At the time and until this day Rabbi Kaminetzky came under severe and unrelenting harsh criticism on line and in print. He was ridiculed as ignorant of the science and as a religious fanatic. He was disparaged by fellow rabbis and by nearly every sector of leadership in the entire Jewish community.
It is apparent now that not only were many aspects of the worldwide Polio Mass Vaccination campaign a hoax but the Measles Mass vaccination program is as well.
Rather than admit to the reality in front of their eyes that Measles vaccine is not nor ever was as effective as claimed, people like Chaskel Bennet are doubling down and insisting that adults now have to be revaccinated. Rather than blame Merck for selling a defective product, they are blaming a tiny percentage of unvaccinated children for the primary vaccine failure of Merck's defective MMR vaccine in adults.
Chaskel Bennet and Councilman Chaim Deutsch, you are rumored to be among the community activists together with vaccine researcher Dr. Stuart Ditchek who urged the Departments of Health to crack down with an iron fist on the unvaccinated children in our community. I hope it is just a rumor and not true. At least though you should be forced to defend your newly imposed public policy with Doctors and scientists who disagree with you based on the science.
I invite you to come to the Vaccine Rights rally in Albany on Tuesday May 14th on the Western Steps of the New York State Capital. We will be happy to arrange for you to have a public speaking opportunity to present to the thousands of parents of vaccine injured children who will be attending and to explain to them why you think they are wrong and crazy and why people should not marry into families who hold such ridiculous views.
From the purely spiritual aspect it should be pointed out that Rabbi Kaminetzky is rumored to have said something to the effect that the decree against the Yeshiva system by the New York State Education Department was obviously a divine message in response to the Yeshivas expelling unvaccinated children.
I would venture to say that based on that sentiment we might connect the expulsion of unvaccinated Jews from Synagogues all around the country to the new situation where no one is safe in any synagogue without armed guards.All the security funding in the world will not protect anyone without the ultimate divine protection from God Almighty.

and Here
One of the community activists leading the charge is Chaskel Bennet the guy who banned me together with city Councilman Chaim Deutsch from their Twitter feeds. It turns out Chaskel Bennet was horrified to find that despite being vaccinated according to CDC guidelines as a child, as an adult in his 40s he no longer has antibodies in his blood to Measles. Now all Orthodox Jewish adults are being urged by the Establishment leadership to "get your titers checked and get revaccinated. "Taken together with the Measles outbreak in Detroit which affected mostly fully vaccinated adults in their 20s to 40s and the anecdotal stories I have been hearing of many adults in that age range finding out that they have no antibodies, we can conclude that the claims of effectiveness for MMR were nothing but lies and a big hoax. Just like they have lied about the effectiveness and the duration of antibodies, they have lied about the safety profile.
It is becoming ever more apparent that the entire Measles Vaccine program is one big Hoax.
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, The most senior Rabbinic and Yeshiva Leader in the US has stated on numerous occasions both verbally and in writing that it is prohibited according to Jewish Religious Law to get Vaccinated.
Rabbi Kaminetzky was quoted a few years ago as stating that the Polio Vaccine was a hoax and just big business. At the time and until this day Rabbi Kaminetzky came under severe and unrelenting harsh criticism on line and in print. He was ridiculed as ignorant of the science and as a religious fanatic. He was disparaged by fellow rabbis and by nearly every sector of leadership in the entire Jewish community.
It is apparent now that not only were many aspects of the worldwide Polio Mass Vaccination campaign a hoax but the Measles Mass vaccination program is as well.
Rather than admit to the reality in front of their eyes that Measles vaccine is not nor ever was as effective as claimed, people like Chaskel Bennet are doubling down and insisting that adults now have to be revaccinated. Rather than blame Merck for selling a defective product, they are blaming a tiny percentage of unvaccinated children for the primary vaccine failure of Merck's defective MMR vaccine in adults.
Chaskel Bennet and Councilman Chaim Deutsch, you are rumored to be among the community activists together with vaccine researcher Dr. Stuart Ditchek who urged the Departments of Health to crack down with an iron fist on the unvaccinated children in our community. I hope it is just a rumor and not true. At least though you should be forced to defend your newly imposed public policy with Doctors and scientists who disagree with you based on the science.
I invite you to come to the Vaccine Rights rally in Albany on Tuesday May 14th on the Western Steps of the New York State Capital. We will be happy to arrange for you to have a public speaking opportunity to present to the thousands of parents of vaccine injured children who will be attending and to explain to them why you think they are wrong and crazy and why people should not marry into families who hold such ridiculous views.
From the purely spiritual aspect it should be pointed out that Rabbi Kaminetzky is rumored to have said something to the effect that the decree against the Yeshiva system by the New York State Education Department was obviously a divine message in response to the Yeshivas expelling unvaccinated children.
I would venture to say that based on that sentiment we might connect the expulsion of unvaccinated Jews from Synagogues all around the country to the new situation where no one is safe in any synagogue without armed guards.All the security funding in the world will not protect anyone without the ultimate divine protection from God Almighty.
It’s not the snake that kills; it is the sin. And it is not the vaccine/security guard which protects; it is Hashem’s bracha.
Thirty days after the first Jewish American confirmed measles case, we had the Pittsburgh shooting.
When NY schools tried to dump all children who weren’t up to date on vaccines, they found the entire yeshiva system under attack by the Board of Education, and when shuls started kicking healthy, innocent Jews out, they found themselves victim of threats and attacks.