Rabbi Hershey Z. Ten strikes again and allies himself with Richard Pan and SB276

As noted previously on this blog the blueprint for the current nationwide persecution of Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers and their expulsion from communal life including schools, synagogues, and public spaces, originated in Los Angeles with an unholy alliance between Rabbi Hershey Z. Ten and Senator Dr. Richard Pan.

Rabbi Ten is the President of the non profit organization known as the Los Angeles Bikur Cholim. Rabbi Ten was one of the vocal supporters of  Richard Pan and his SB277 Bill that took away the right for vaccine religious exemptions in California. 

It appears that Bikur Cholim receives quite a bit of government money from the state of California and the the City of Los Angeles and so it is quite natural for them to repay the favor by supporting legislation put forward by their benefactor Senator Richard Pan. As we have noted elswhere the CDC can not directly lobby state legislatures to pass Vaccine friendly legislation but they are able to channel money to non profits like Bikur Cholim and encourage them to support pro vaccination anti religious rights legislation. Rabbi Ten should be transparent about what kind of funding he has received that is causing him to have a financial conflict of interest.

As you can see from Ten's letter below he has the support of the Orthodox Jewish establishment including CHABAD of L.A. and AGUDATH ISRAEL of L.A. and others. The Orthodox Jewish Communal establishment across the country has engaged in a defamation campaign against  Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers. Perhaps the most insulting calumny leveled is that Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers are causing a Chilul Hashem - a desecration of Gods Name because the gentiles are blaming the Jews for the Measles outbreak instead of the fraudulent unsafe and ineffective MMR vaccine from Merck.

Really though Rabbi Ten it is you and your supporters who are guilty of a Chilul Hashem by supporting the radical anti religious agenda of Senator Richard Pan. The Chilul Hashem is made all the much greater by your flippant dismissal of the cries and protests of parents of severely vaccine injured and killed children both Jews and Non Jews. You are causing anti antisemitism by supporting Pan to promote his extreme, fanatical, agenda of taking away civil rights from Jews and Non Jews. Parents in California who wish to protect their children from Vaccine Injury are being thwarted by a Rabbi of all people, who first waged war against religious exemptions and now is going after Medical exemptions and doctors that he disagrees with.

Shame on you!!!

The content below was copied from  https://jewishjournal.com/

Below is Bikur Cholim’s open letter encouraging Jewish community leaders to speak out encourage Jewish day schools to require vaccines in light of the recent measles outbreak.
The threat of measles in Los Angeles is now a real and present danger.  Measles is one of the most contagious diseases in existence, placing the most vulnerable among us at life-threatening risk.  Children infected with measles can present devastating consequences not just to themselves, but to the public at large.  Tragically, we are now seeing children and adults hospitalized; and worse yet, dying from measles.
We are asking all synagogue Rabbis to publicly speak on the critical importance of vaccinations.  On issues of health and public safety, decisions in Jewish law are based on the opinions of the majority of medical experts.  In cases of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), the opinion held by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, and tens of thousands of physicians is that vaccinations must be taken as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  It is our position that there is an obligation to be vaccinated and no basis that immunizations should be avoided unless medically indicated.
Parents must ensure that all of their children’s immunizations are up-to-date.  Parents of unvaccinated children should immediately call their pediatrician to schedule their child to be vaccinated.  Those who are uninsured and/or under-insured can contact the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health at (213) 351-7800 or visit http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/ip/ for free or low-cost vaccination information.
Many adults, particularly those born in 1957 or later, have also been affected by recent outbreaks.  The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health strongly recommends that educators, infant/day-care providers, caregivers for the immunocompromised, healthcare professionals, women of childbearing age who are not pregnant, and international travelers have a second dose (booster) of the measles immunization. Adults not in this group should contact their physician for guidance.
Any child or adult symptomatic of measles must be isolated soonest and a physician should be immediately contacted.  If a physician is not available, then please call the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
Bikur Cholim is urging Jewish day schools/yeshiva principals to adopt our Private School Immunization Policy which does not allow non-vaccinated students to attend school.  We are also working closely with California Senator Richard Pan in support of SB 276 which will restore integrity to California’s medical exemption process by requiring future vaccination medical exemptions to be reviewed and issued by the California Department of Public Health.
We must remain resolute in protecting the health and well-being of our children, families, and the public – “venishmartem meod lenafshoteichem”.
Rabbi Hershy Z. Ten
Rabbi Jonathon Rosenberg, President
Irving Lebovics, DDS, Chairman
Rabbi Yosef Y. Shusterman
Robert Adler, MD
Jacob Fleischmann, MD
Sheldon Kishineff, MD
Alice Kuo, MD, President Chapter 2
Ronald Nagel, MD
