Beware a mothers cry and the sound of the Shofar

On Rosh Hashana Jews sound the Shofar.The Talmud deduces that the sounds of the Shofar are to be similar to the sobbing and weeping of the mother of Sisera who was memorialized in the the Song of Deborah in the Book of Judges. Tradition tells us that the Mother of Sisera wept 100 times for her son, and so we sound the Shofar 100 times in the Synagogue on Rosh Hashana. Sisera was a General who was a bitter oppressor of the ancient Jews and his mother is mocked in the Song of Deborah as being responsible for the depraved actions of her son.
Many have pointed out how odd and baffling it is to connect the Shofar and the service on the High Holidays to the Mother of Sisera.
Whatever the correct explanation is, one thing seems clear. Don't underestimate the eternal power of a mother's tears for her child. It is so powerful that the Rabbis of old want us to internalize the sound of the Shofar into our hearts as the sound of a mother weeping for her child and for whatever reason Sisera's mother merited being the eternal inspiration for the proper way to fulfill the precept of Shofar.When you listen to the Shofar on Rosh Hashana, your heart should be broken like the Mother of Sisera.The Shofar is our nonverbal prayer to God for mercy on the day of Judgment.If you want to know how to cry for Mercy from God, the Rabbis are teaching  to emulate the Mother of Sisera crying for her son.
In contemporary times we have hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of mothers crying for their children who have been severely and irrreversbly injured by vaccines. Some of them have had the courage to speak out and try and prevent other mothers from suffering the same bitter fate.They have been met with derision and scorn from Politicians, Bureaucrats, the Media, the Medical Establishment, and Non Profit Organizations.There are even some Rabbis - Male Orthodox  and Female Reform, who have callously claimed that these women simply "do not understand science" and that "correlation does not equal causation". Rabbi Rena Rifkin a Female Rabbi of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue is "Tired" of hearing about Vaccine injury and parents who claim their children became Autistic from a Vaccine. Apparently this is one area where some Orthodox and Reform Rabbis seem to be able to agree. Namely they want parents to just "shut up and get your children vaccinated" and they don't want you questioning the dogma that is falsely portrayed as science.
I do not envy what fate has in store for these arrogant so called spiritual leaders.
In the end of the Yom Kippur service there is a prayer in the Neilah that invokes the 13 attributes of Gods Mercy. In the second to last paragraph it talks about the heavenly gates of tears never being closed even though the other gates may be closed. In the last paragraph we beg God to store our tears  forever in his flask of tears.
The mothers are crying. The Shofar is warning.God Almighty is storing a lot of tears. 
Will the politicians in Albany worship the false god of Big Pharma and Money or will they do what is right and preserve Vaccine Religious Exemptions, repeal Mandatory Vaccination Laws, and hold Pharma and the CDC accountable for the Holocaust they have unleashed on millions of children with unsafe and ineffective vaccines??? My advice to them, Don't mess with the Moms.

