The members of the New York City Council Judenrat

The New York City Council has a Jewish Caucus led by Chaim Deutsch.Dictator of  New York City  Bill Deblasio has imposed Martial Law on the Chassidic Neighborhood  of Williamasburg Brooklyn under a false emergency declaration. The declaration decrees that everyone must be vaccinated with MMR or face fines of $1000 dollars and possibly worse.
The Judenrat members of the City Council do not represent or speak for  many Jews in New York City and certainly not those who reject vaccination on the the basis of scientific opposition or on the basis of religious opposition .They are traitors to their people and are violating their oath of office to the Constitution of the United States of America. Instead of standing up for their fellow Jews and non Jews who do not vaccinate they are collaborating and participating in a campaign of lies being coordinated by the CDC.
They have banned me from commenting and viewing their twitter sites. Only despotic tyrants ban free speech.


 Jewish Caucus
The following New York City Council Members participate in this caucus:
