Synagogues around the country throw out unvaccinated children and adults in coordinated campagin
Below are a few samples of letters from Synagogues around the country that were sent to their congregations prior to Passover. These Synagogues have been co opted to do the dirty work of the CDC and local Health departments and take away the civil rights of Orthodox Jewish Americans who are opposed to vaccination for their children. Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers are a minority in their own communities. The question is who is orchestrating and implementing this de - legitimization and social exclusion campaign. I have no doubt that ultimately it is being funded by the CDC and Big Pharma. In fact one of the people from Cleveland who seems to be behind the local Cleveland effort is Dr. Shelly Senders, a Pediatrician who I am told conducts Vaccine trials on his patients on behalf of pharmaceutical companies. I am told that he has a smooth method of enrolling patients by asking them if they would like to try a new "improved" vaccine which has for example 20 antigens instead of the old 10 and promptly hands them a clipboard to sign off on it. More is better right? Similarly in Brooklyn New York, Dr Stuart Ditchek a Pediatrician who has been leading the crusade to throw unvaccinated children out of school has also been rumored to be involved in developing and profiting from new vaccines.
Its time for Rabbis to stop acting ignorant and uneducated and do their due diligence on the science. Due diligence does not mean asking the local pediatrician or falling in lock step with government bureaucrats. There is so much evidence out there of scientific fraud and corruption at the CDC and FDA regarding the safety of vaccines that it can not be ignored. To ignore the cries of parents all around the country who are screaming out that their children were severely injured or killed by routine childhood vaccination is cruel,unethical,immoral and wicked. To add insult to injury by throwing your fellow Jews out of Shul,School,Camp and the community, is an evil perversion.
From Baltimore
From a summer camp for children •
2463 S. Green Rd • Beachwood, OH 44122
TEL: (216) 382-8062
From a Synagogue in Teaneck New Jersey
Congregation Beth Aaron
or the CDC's measles website (
Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher Vi-Sameach,
Josh Klavan, President
Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, Rabbi
From a Synagogue in Cleveland Ohio
From a Synagogue in Brooklyn New York
Khal Bnei Torah
Its time for Rabbis to stop acting ignorant and uneducated and do their due diligence on the science. Due diligence does not mean asking the local pediatrician or falling in lock step with government bureaucrats. There is so much evidence out there of scientific fraud and corruption at the CDC and FDA regarding the safety of vaccines that it can not be ignored. To ignore the cries of parents all around the country who are screaming out that their children were severely injured or killed by routine childhood vaccination is cruel,unethical,immoral and wicked. To add insult to injury by throwing your fellow Jews out of Shul,School,Camp and the community, is an evil perversion.
From Baltimore
Vaccine Policy for All Attendees of Shomrei Emunah
an effort to ensure that our shul remains a healthy and safe
environment for all members of our community, the shul’s policy is that
any individual who has not received the vaccinations required by
Maryland State for students attending school (please click here for current listing) may
not enter the shul or its premises. If someone has a medical reason why
they should not receive the vaccinations, that individual may request
an exemption by contacting Rabbi Marwick (
From a summer camp for children
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Dear Camp Stone Parents, The measles outbreak in the United States has affected many Jewish communities, and has caused many institutions within those communities to send out correspondence requiring vaccination for participation in certain activities, including school attendance and synagogue attendance. As you know, we have a strict immunization policy at Camp Stone, and due to recent events, we wanted to reiterate it for you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to a fabulous summer! Chag Kasher V'Sameach!! Camp Stone Vaccination Policy (as it appears in the Health History of Part II of Registration) Every child attending Camp Stone must be immunized. Please list all of the vaccinations that your child has received by completing this online form. There is no option to upload a form provided by your doctor. The only exception to the above policy is a medical exemption. A medical exemption requires that your child's physician provide a written statement explaining why receiving the vaccination would be medically harmful or otherwise injurious to the health or well being of your child. The written statement, along with your child's health history, will then be reviewed by an independent medical professional in Cleveland, Ohio, who will determine your child's eligibility to attend Camp Stone this summer. |
2463 S. Green Rd • Beachwood, OH 44122
TEL: (216) 382-8062
From a Synagogue in Teaneck New Jersey
Congregation Beth Aaron
light of the unfortunate increase in the number of reported cases of
measles in the Tri-State area and across the United States, as a public
health and safety announcement, we would like to highlight the following
reminders for our members.
Consistent with positions taken by the RCBC, the OU, and the Rabbanim and Poskim to whom our community looks for guidance, in accordance with halacha, we strongly recommend that parents vaccinate their children based on the recommendations and guidelines set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
It is our expectation that our shul and facilities are used only by adults and children who have been properly vaccinated in accordance with those guidelines. Out of concern and shared responsibility for the safety and health of those who use our Mikdash Me’at, we respectfully ask that guests or members who have not been properly vaccinated do not enter our building at any time.
It has been reported that some of the recent cases of measles contracted by adults have been individuals who had been previously vaccinated as children many decades ago. Adults who have been previously vaccinated, but are concerned that they may not have the appropriate levels of immunity, should consult with their health care provider to determine if an additional booster is warranted.
As many of our members will be traveling this Yom Tov, we ask that you review the health and safety tips recommended by the CDC at the following link:
Lastly, for additional information and resources on measles, please visit the New Jersey Department of Health's measles website
( with positions taken by the RCBC, the OU, and the Rabbanim and Poskim to whom our community looks for guidance, in accordance with halacha, we strongly recommend that parents vaccinate their children based on the recommendations and guidelines set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
It is our expectation that our shul and facilities are used only by adults and children who have been properly vaccinated in accordance with those guidelines. Out of concern and shared responsibility for the safety and health of those who use our Mikdash Me’at, we respectfully ask that guests or members who have not been properly vaccinated do not enter our building at any time.
It has been reported that some of the recent cases of measles contracted by adults have been individuals who had been previously vaccinated as children many decades ago. Adults who have been previously vaccinated, but are concerned that they may not have the appropriate levels of immunity, should consult with their health care provider to determine if an additional booster is warranted.
As many of our members will be traveling this Yom Tov, we ask that you review the health and safety tips recommended by the CDC at the following link:
Lastly, for additional information and resources on measles, please visit the New Jersey Department of Health's measles website
or the CDC's measles website (
Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher Vi-Sameach,
Josh Klavan, President
Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, Rabbi
From a Synagogue in Cleveland Ohio
Important Announcement Regarding the Measles Outbreak |
Dear Members and Guests of the Waxman Chabad Center, Taking into consideration the well-publicized measles outbreak taking place in many Orthodox communities, especially the ones in Detroit, Crown Heights and Monsey, the Council of the Waxman Chabad Center will act proactively to ensure the health and safety of all those who come to daven and attend our programs. As such, we would like to address this critical health issue. Like most (if not all) major Poskim and Rabbonim, we consider it a Halachic obligation for every member of the community – adults as well as children – to be properly vaccinated according to standards and schedules established by the CDC. It is a readily apparent fact that vaccinations have led to the near eradication of many terrible diseases and represents the single most effective public health measure attempted to date, with minimal risk to those vaccinated. Rachmana Litzlan, we are now seeing the results of these schedules and recommendations not being adhered to: the current outbreak of measles. Ignoring the policy of universal vaccinations endangers our communities and is Halachically wrong. Therefore, in consultation with medical experts and local rabbis, the council of the Waxman Chabad Center has unanimously voted to adopt the following policy, effective immediately: All participants of Waxman Chabad Center and its programs must have been vaccinated according to the CDC guidelines in consultation with your pediatrician and family physician. Children and adults who have not been immunized against measles may not attend any and all services and functions at the Waxman Chabad Center or sponsored by the Waxman Chabad Center. While we understand that misinformation and fear promulgated by the anti-vaccine movement can make it difficult for many well-meaning parents to vaccinate their children, we hope that they will be able to overcome these fears and comply with CDC recommendations to ensure the maximal protection vaccinations provides us all. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out the Waxman Chabad Center Council. Wishing you and your families a happy, healthy and Kosher Pesach! Jeff Alpern Daniel Eleff Shmuel Margolin MD Cary Senders Ryan Silver |
From a Synagogue in Brooklyn New York
Khal Bnei Torah
Apr 19 at 2:23 PM
B’H with Yom Tov approaching there are many
people visiting our shul from other communities. That being said we have
in our midst adults and children with weakened immune systems and/or
inability to be vaccinated due to health issues.
After consulting with medical professionals
the Rov has determined that until the measles outbreak has been
eradicated, anyone who is not vaccinated, adult or child, should not
enter our shul.
We will advise when the concern has passed. Wishing everyone a chag kosher v’sameach.