Brad Hoylman, Jeffery Dinowitz, and David Carlucci preach about religion
Three New York State politicians Brad Hoylman, Jeffery Dinowitz, and David Carlucci, gave a press conference the other day in which they weighed in on what is an acceptable religious belief and what is not acceptable. In so doing they are in violation of the establishment clause of the United States constitution.Dinowitz quoted from Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler that vaccination is obligated by Judaism. He failed to mention Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky who has stated publicly that Vaccination is prohibited by Jewish Religious law.
It is not for a politician to go Rabbi shopping to support his personal views and dictate what my religious beliefs should or should not be.
For Brad Hoylman an openly Gay parent of two daughters who he did not carry in his womb, to proclaim that vaccine religious exemptions are a"loophole" that is being abused by uninformed parents, is particularly galling. I'm surprised that Jeff Dinowitz and Brad Hoylman are not aware that Rabbi Tendler is known as a Homophobe for calling the Gay community a bunch of perverts. Are you now going to repeal Gay Marriage because Rabbi Tendler is against it?????? I wont stop you.
What is most irksome though is when they treat science as though it were a religion and pull out the "science is settled" nonsense as though science were a Talmudic religious legal ruling that could be decided by a great Sanhedrin for all time. This notion of settled science is just balderdash.
The science is not, nor ever was settled on this matter, because the science was never done. There has never been the most fundamental scientific experiment conducted to compare a large group of completely unvaccinated children or adults to a group that is vaccinated over a long period of time comparing mortality rates and all health outcomes to see what the real risks and benefits of vaccination are.
All we have to go on in terms of science are bumper sticker slogans cooked up in the P.R. department of the CDC. So all you vaccine cult followers repeat after me 7 times while clicking your ruby slippers "Vaccines are Safe and Effective" Then Repeat 3 times "Allah Peanut Butter Sandwiches" and finally end with Paul Offit is our True Lord and Saviour in whom we believe and trust.
For the record Mr Dinowitz, Rabbi Tendler has previously been accused by other rabbis of lying about Rabbi Moshe Feinstein's ruling on "Brain Death". Rabbi Tendler claimed that Rabbi Feinstein changed his position and accepted brain death as a basis to permit heart transplants. Previously Rabbi Feinstein had ruled unequivocally that removing a heart from a Harvard Criteria brain dead patient was considered murder according to Jewish law.
For those of us Jews who do not consider brain death as an acceptable definition of death, will your next move be to impose that belief on us in order to further the "greater good" of organ transplantation?
You have stepped onto the slippery slope of facism by trying to dictate and impose your beliefs on others be they personal scientific,philosophical, religious or otherwise.
It is not for a politician to go Rabbi shopping to support his personal views and dictate what my religious beliefs should or should not be.
For Brad Hoylman an openly Gay parent of two daughters who he did not carry in his womb, to proclaim that vaccine religious exemptions are a"loophole" that is being abused by uninformed parents, is particularly galling. I'm surprised that Jeff Dinowitz and Brad Hoylman are not aware that Rabbi Tendler is known as a Homophobe for calling the Gay community a bunch of perverts. Are you now going to repeal Gay Marriage because Rabbi Tendler is against it?????? I wont stop you.
What is most irksome though is when they treat science as though it were a religion and pull out the "science is settled" nonsense as though science were a Talmudic religious legal ruling that could be decided by a great Sanhedrin for all time. This notion of settled science is just balderdash.
The science is not, nor ever was settled on this matter, because the science was never done. There has never been the most fundamental scientific experiment conducted to compare a large group of completely unvaccinated children or adults to a group that is vaccinated over a long period of time comparing mortality rates and all health outcomes to see what the real risks and benefits of vaccination are.
All we have to go on in terms of science are bumper sticker slogans cooked up in the P.R. department of the CDC. So all you vaccine cult followers repeat after me 7 times while clicking your ruby slippers "Vaccines are Safe and Effective" Then Repeat 3 times "Allah Peanut Butter Sandwiches" and finally end with Paul Offit is our True Lord and Saviour in whom we believe and trust.
For the record Mr Dinowitz, Rabbi Tendler has previously been accused by other rabbis of lying about Rabbi Moshe Feinstein's ruling on "Brain Death". Rabbi Tendler claimed that Rabbi Feinstein changed his position and accepted brain death as a basis to permit heart transplants. Previously Rabbi Feinstein had ruled unequivocally that removing a heart from a Harvard Criteria brain dead patient was considered murder according to Jewish law.
For those of us Jews who do not consider brain death as an acceptable definition of death, will your next move be to impose that belief on us in order to further the "greater good" of organ transplantation?
You have stepped onto the slippery slope of facism by trying to dictate and impose your beliefs on others be they personal scientific,philosophical, religious or otherwise.