All who are hungry let them come and eat unless you are unvaccinated

"All who are hungry let them come and eat all who are in need let them come and celebrate Passover" - Passover Haggadah
This statement is in the beginning of the Passover Haggadah when we start to relate the story of the Exodus. You can not begin to relate the story of the Exodus until you at least verbalize the notion that you are willing to invite any and "All" to share in your own Passover celebration.
This Passover eve the Orthodox Jewish community has been hit by a Tsunami of  Excommunication whereby if you are from the dreaded "cult" of Orthodox Jewish Antivaxxers you have been officially excluded and expelled from celebrating Passover with your co-religionists. I am not sure the word "Kafkaesque" is sufficient to paint a picture of the surreal situation that Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers and Ex Vaxxers find themselves in.
Synagogues around the US have sent out letters and emails in a coordinated purge ordering unvaccinated adults and children to stay out of their facilities over the holidays. The wording in many of these communiques is almost identical Indicating that it originates with one set of talking points and that someone orchestrated this nationwide ban.
Most striking is that the coordination crosses ideological lines in that it is coming from the Modern Orthodox Community as well as the so called Ultra Orthodox community. Finally they have found a cause that unites them - throwing their fellow Jews out of synagogue.
To be fair I put the ultimate blame for this fiasco on the CDC. I have no doubt that this effort was paid for and given logistical assistance by the CDC to implement.Their thinking is if they can take out organized Jewish opposition to vaccination they can take out anybody.
However that does not absolve the Rabbis and the community organizers who went along with and encouraged this unprecedented act of bullying and aggression against their own people.
When Hitler first came to power there were Jews in Germany who said we don't have to worry, he only hates those Ostjuden - the Eastern European Jews. We Western European Jews are good law abiding obedient Germans, assimilated into society, educated and enlightened. Hitler does not hate us.
Now we see a similar sentiment playing out where the establishment Orthodox Jewish Communal leaders are falling all over each other to apologize to the world, for the "ignorant", "uneducated" "insular" "dangerous" "irresponsible" "selfish" antivaxxer Orthodox Jews.
So for the benefit of the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and Orthodox Jewish Doctors who have been derelict in their duty to diligently investigate the scientific literature and the claims of parents who say their children were killed or severely injured by a vaccine, I will repeat the tweet I sent to New York City Council Health Committee Chairman @marklevineNYC - No comprehensive LONG TERM Vaxxed Fully Unvaxxed study comparing ALL health outcomes and ALL CAUSE mortality rates and CARCINOGENICITY profile EVER DONE means government forced vaccination = WAR CRIME = CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.
To all my fellow Passover celebrants, I wish you a Kosher and Happy Passover!!! This year we are slaves, next year we will be free!!!!!!!

