Who is worse a Pedophile or an Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxer????
Below is a comment We tried posting to an article on Yeshiva World News and the article We were commenting on. One could be tempted to agree with Mark Zuckerberg and Adam Schiff that fake news websites like Yeshiva World News should be regulated and shut down. We don't believe in censorship though like these characters at Yeshiva World News and like the various community organizers affiliated with Agudath Israel that have blocked us on Twitter . So far we are still able to post here in the Blogosphere without being censored and all comments are welcome whether you agree with us or not. In fact we would love to have the Pro vaxxers comment and defend themselves and prove us wrong. We wish we were wrong. We wish there were not so many neurologically vaccine injured children in our community. We wish there were not so many children and young adults with Cancer in our community.We wish the "Non Profit" Health Organzations like Refuah Health Care would stop acting like Concentration Camp Kappos and stop selling out their fellow Jews to the Anti Semites in the Rockland County Health Department.
My censored comment to Yeshiva World News
Hmmm. What is worse and who is more despised by the establishment and in the Orthodox Jewish Community? A Pedophile or an Anti Vaxxer????? So far I think hands down it is the Anti Vaxxers that are the lowest on the pecking order in the Orthodox Jewish Community. Pedophiles have not been excommunicated, nor have the enablers of pedophiles been held accountable, nor has there been a consensus that pedophiles should be turned over to Law enforcement. Anti Vaxxers on the other hand have been ejected from the community,punished with sanctions, and are being turned into the authorities. I am told that people in Lakewood have been receiving Knocks on the door from the Health Department at the behest of local "Non Profit" "Health" organizations. The push to "educate" parents and put the blame for the children being victimized by sexual predators, on the parents, is the wrong approach. The correct approach would be to have a zero tolerance policy for predators and to put the onus and fear on the them. When it comes to Anti Vaxxers it is Zero Tolerance. Why not Zero tolerance for Pedophiles and why not shut down schools, shuls, and camps that fail to prevent Pedophilia??????
The senior Posek and senior Pediatrician of Lakewood have once
again partnered together to warn parents about the dangers of sexual
abuse for children – over the Yom Tov season.
Yom Tov is a time when families get together, school is out, and parents tend to be lax in knowing the exact whereabouts of their children AT ALL TIMES. Multiple professionals and therapists have told YWN that predators specifically prey on young and vulnerable children during Yomim Tovim – specifically on Yom Kippur.
As YWN reported, just before the last summer, a hotline with
recorded messages from both of them – as well as other professionals –
was publicized. The messages warned parents about the obligation that a
parent has to speak with their children before camp about abuse. This
was done before Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkos as well.
Now, as Pesach is approaching, HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Forscheimer, senior Posek at Lakewood’s Beis Medrash Govoah, Dr. Reuven Shanik, the leading Pediatrician in Lakewood, Rabbi Pesach Krohn and others have once again taken the commendable and bold action, and released new messages to the community. These messages are a must listen for parents.
The attached poster has been hung in all Shuls around Lakewood including BMG, as well as in Dr Shaniks office.
To listen to these important messages, call 641-715-3800 and enter code 811504#.
This is the fourth time that the Lakewood community has publicly addressed the dangers of sexual abuse and protecting children.
The first event was organized three years ago by Amudim, and was attended by well over 1000 people, including noted askanim, roshei kehillah, the poskim of Beis Medrash Govoha and with the hishtatfus and brocha of the roshei yeshiva, and roshei mosdos.
It is now clear, that thanks to the Amudim event, this topic is now being dealt with head on, as opposed to the way it was addressed for decades. The awareness that the Amudim event generated went a long way in providing the necessary information and resources to prevent these problems from occurring, and if Chas V’shalom they do, how to properly deal with it al pi Da’as Torah.
My censored comment to Yeshiva World News
Hmmm. What is worse and who is more despised by the establishment and in the Orthodox Jewish Community? A Pedophile or an Anti Vaxxer????? So far I think hands down it is the Anti Vaxxers that are the lowest on the pecking order in the Orthodox Jewish Community. Pedophiles have not been excommunicated, nor have the enablers of pedophiles been held accountable, nor has there been a consensus that pedophiles should be turned over to Law enforcement. Anti Vaxxers on the other hand have been ejected from the community,punished with sanctions, and are being turned into the authorities. I am told that people in Lakewood have been receiving Knocks on the door from the Health Department at the behest of local "Non Profit" "Health" organizations. The push to "educate" parents and put the blame for the children being victimized by sexual predators, on the parents, is the wrong approach. The correct approach would be to have a zero tolerance policy for predators and to put the onus and fear on the them. When it comes to Anti Vaxxers it is Zero Tolerance. Why not Zero tolerance for Pedophiles and why not shut down schools, shuls, and camps that fail to prevent Pedophilia??????
Yeshiva World News Article:
ONCE AGAIN: Lakewood’s Senior Posek & Pediatrician Partner to Warn Parents About Sexual Abuse Over Pesach

Yom Tov is a time when families get together, school is out, and parents tend to be lax in knowing the exact whereabouts of their children AT ALL TIMES. Multiple professionals and therapists have told YWN that predators specifically prey on young and vulnerable children during Yomim Tovim – specifically on Yom Kippur.
Now, as Pesach is approaching, HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Forscheimer, senior Posek at Lakewood’s Beis Medrash Govoah, Dr. Reuven Shanik, the leading Pediatrician in Lakewood, Rabbi Pesach Krohn and others have once again taken the commendable and bold action, and released new messages to the community. These messages are a must listen for parents.
The attached poster has been hung in all Shuls around Lakewood including BMG, as well as in Dr Shaniks office.
To listen to these important messages, call 641-715-3800 and enter code 811504#.
This is the fourth time that the Lakewood community has publicly addressed the dangers of sexual abuse and protecting children.
The first event was organized three years ago by Amudim, and was attended by well over 1000 people, including noted askanim, roshei kehillah, the poskim of Beis Medrash Govoha and with the hishtatfus and brocha of the roshei yeshiva, and roshei mosdos.
It is now clear, that thanks to the Amudim event, this topic is now being dealt with head on, as opposed to the way it was addressed for decades. The awareness that the Amudim event generated went a long way in providing the necessary information and resources to prevent these problems from occurring, and if Chas V’shalom they do, how to properly deal with it al pi Da’as Torah.
