Welcome to the Fascist States of America
Welcome to the Fascist States of America
The link to this story was posted on the Drudge report. This is another case of medical kidnapping by out an of control Child Protective services who also have a financial conflict of interest in the foster care system. President Trump promised to make America Great again. First he must Make America Free again. If he can't or won't than he should not run again in 2020. This family was targeted by the DCS, and the Medical Nazi Establishment, as well as a bunch of terrorist cops, because they did not vaccinate their child.
This is what New York State politicians and Health Department Bureaucrats want to unleash in the Empire state and they have already begun with the Martial Law edict declared by ObergrupenFuhrer Ed Day in Rockland County. It wont be long before child protective services start knocking down doors with the help of New York State Troopers under orders from Der Fuhrer of New York State Andrew Cuomo. I have to hope that the cops in the NYPD are still smart and professional enough to not go along with this nonsense and engage in Swat raids on innocent families but who knows with communist comrade Bill DeBlasio running things.
Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Send a SWAT Team
"What about the parents' rights to decide what's best for their child?"

It was dinnertime on February 25 when the pregnant mother took her 2-year-old to the doctor with a fever of over 100. The doctor told her to take him to the emergency room, fearing that because the boy was unvaccinated, perhaps he had meningitis—a life-threatening disease.
The doctor called the hospital to alert them. But by the time the mother and child left his office, the boy was "laughing and playing with his siblings," according to this excellent piece by Dianna M. Nanez in The Arizona Republic. Mom took his temperature again, and it was almost normal. So instead of going to the emergency room, the family went home. The mom called the doctor to say her boy's fever had broken and she wasn't going to the emergency room. The doctor told her she should go anyway, so she agreed she would—but then she didn't.
That's when the madness began.
The hospital called the doctor to tell him the toddler hadn't arrived. The doctor called DCS. And DCS requested the cops check on the family as a caseworker headed over.
And then, according to The Arizona Republic:
It was about 10:30 p.m. when two police officers knocked on the family's door. The officers heard someone coughing.Just after midnight the caseworker got that notice, which is required by law. Matters subsequently escalated:
Officer Tyler Cascio wrote in a police report that he knocked on the door several times but no one answered.
A neighbor approached the officers and police explained the situation. The woman said she knew her neighbor and that "she was a good mother." At the request of officers, the neighbor called the mother and said police wanted to speak with her.
The DCS caseworker arrived and updated police on the toddler's fever and the mother choosing not to take her child to the hospital. The officer called the family's doctor, who repeated her recommendation that the mother take the child to the hospital. ...
At about 11:30 p.m., the caseworker informed officers that DCS planned to obtain a "temporary custody notice" from a judge to remove the child for emergency medical aid.
Cascio wrote that officers consulted with the police criminal investigations bureau and SWAT.And force they did:
"Based upon the court order, the intent of DCS to serve the order, and exigency to ensure the health and welfare of the child, the decision was made to force entry to the home if the parents refused to respond to verbal requests," according to police records. Police knocked, saying they had a court order and would force entry if needed, according to police records.
It was after 1 a.m. when officers kicked down the family's door. One officer carried a shield, while another was described as having "lethal coverage." Officers pointing guns yelled, "Chandler Police Department," and entered the house.The rest of the story is equally nuts. The kids were all placed in separate foster homes. When the case got to juvenile court 10 days later, DCS requested it be closed to the public. The judge refused.
But then it seemed as if DCS decided to make everything harder for the parents, because now the press was interested, as was the Arizona DCS Oversight Group, a local organization that fights for families' rights, and a state legislator, Rep. Kelly Townsend (R–Mesa), who had helped write the law requiring DCS to get a warrant before removing a child. Townsend has been lobbing zingers like, "What about the parents' rights to decide what's best for their child? Parents felt the child was fine. Next thing we know, the Gestapo is at their door."
In court, DCS tried to convince the judge, Jennifer Green, to bar the press from covering the dispute. A lawyer for the agency even claimed that the parents had gone against the best interests of the children by involving the media. Green rejected this argument, saying, "In Arizona we like our courts to be open."
However, the judge ultimately sided with DCS, ruling that the children's removal was lawful and telling the parents "to remember that the state had them on a family-reunification plan and wants them to regain custody of their children."
The children's grandparents are undergoing a DCS review, and hope to be permitted to temporarily shelter the kids once that's approved. But there's no telling how long it will be before the kids can just go home to mom and dad.
Photo Credit: Screenshot via security footage