One twitter post and picture is worth a thousand words
Below is my twitter response to Yeruchim Silber who is the Director of Government Relations at Agudath Israel of America. The Rapaports have been pushing a Left Wing and Anti Trump Agenda in their Twitter posts. They have also been waging war against people in their own community who are in the Anti Vaccination camp. Agudath Israel has been playing coy about many of these issues when confronted. It appears that Yosef Rapaport is actually employed by Agudah and may have received funding from Agudah for his campaign against the Anti Vaxxer parents.
Many people in the Orthodox Jewish Community are fed up with the unelected and unaccountable people in Agudah pretending to represent our interests and the values of Judaism to government officials.
Orthodox Judaism does not support the progressive, left wing, anti family,agenda. Putting on a Shtreimel does not kosherize something which is Treif. The Left Wing agenda is Treif. It is not Kosher.Period End of Story!!!!!
flatbushantivaxxer @flatbushantiva1
Can we conclude from this that Agudath Israel supports the left wing, anti Trump, political views of the Rapaports? Can We conclude that Agudath Israel is officially onboard with the Rapaport P.R. campaign to de-legitimize Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers and opposes Parental choice?
Yeruchim Silber @ysilber 10 hours ago
What a joy to join in the wedding celebration of the son of @Masbia director @AlexRapaport and grandson of good friend @YosefRapaport
