Is Agudath Israel really representing Orthodox Jewish Values?
This past week on March 6 Agudath Israel held an "Albany Day" lobbying effort. Pictured below is a photo disseminated by the Matzav website. In that picture is @YosefRapaport who has blocked FlatbushAntivaxxer from his Twitter account. On March 8 Yosef Rapaport tweeted the following response to Ben Shapiro

Left to Right: Yaniv Meirov, Yosef Rapaport, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Josh Mehlman, Chaskel Bennett, Assemblymember Simcha Eichenstein, Leon Goldenberg, Member, Agudath Israel’s Board of Trustees, Assemblymember David Weprin and Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudah’s Executive Vice President
"I disagree with much of what you say as I am a left-of-center leaning person and I gave @aoc the benefit of the doubt, but here you are spot on! U R exposing her as a fraudster. I sure hope that over time she will turn out 2b for Dems just a flash in the pan"
As you can see Mr. Rapaport describes himself as "a left-of-center leaning person". As such it is fair to ask does the Rabbinic Council of Torah Sages which ostensibly sets policy for Agudath Israel also lean left of center? I doubt it. The Left Wing agenda that has been forced on New York State and to a large extent the rest of the country is clearly not in consonance with Orthodox Jewish Values. Despite his long white beard and Chassidic garb, Mr Rapaport is actually pushing a distinctly anti Jewish anti Torah agenda.
I am dismayed with Mr Rapaport for his public stance against anti vaccine dissidents. He along with his son Alexander Rapaport the executive director of Masbiah Soup kitchens have engaged in a PR campaign to de-legitimize Orthodox Jewish Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children including going on several Television News shows to disparage their fellow Jews who are against vaccination.
As has been pointed out elsewhere on this blog, the movement to remove parental choice on vaccination is being driven by the "Left Wing" which in general has an anti parent,anti family, and anti religious agenda. Presumably since Mr Rapaport is left of center leaning he is also in favor of Abortion, Gay Marriage, Transgenderism, Euthanasia - Physician Assisted Suicide, and all the rest of the Atheist Left Wing Agenda. That being the case he should do the honorable thing and resign from Agudath Israel, or he should repent publicly by admitting the error of his ways and renounce his anti Torah viewpoints. At the same time he should publicly apologize to the Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaccine Dissident families he has harmed together with his friends on the left.
For the record many Orthodox Jews who choose not to vaccinate their children, are doing so for the same reasons that Non Jewish People have chosen to not vaccinate. The main reason is the non existent science behind the claim that vaccines are safe. They are not safe. A real scientific study comparing all health outcomes and all cause mortality between children who are vaccinated and children who are completely unvaccinated has never been done. It has never been done because it would lead to the end of the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry as we know it.
Instead of Science we have Adam Schiff leading the way to eliminate free speech and Make America Burn Books.
Below is from
Agudath Israel Promotes Legislative Agenda in Albany
Left to Right: Yaniv Meirov, Yosef Rapaport, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Josh Mehlman, Chaskel Bennett, Assemblymember Simcha Eichenstein, Leon Goldenberg, Member, Agudath Israel’s Board of Trustees, Assemblymember David Weprin and Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudah’s Executive Vice President