Yosef Rapaport Blocks Flatbush Anti Vaxxer from Twitter
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The latest Agudath Israel connected pro vaccine propagandist to block Flatbush Anti Vaxxer from their Twitter feed is Yosef Rapaport. Probably because he did not like my response below, to an anti Trump post of his. Mr Rapaport is an employee of Agudath Israel of America. Mr Rapaport is rumored to have been going around offering cash to media outlets in the Orthodox Jewish community to publish propaganda against Anti Vaxxers. There is a rumor that he offered $5000 to Yiddish Media hotline Kol Mevaser but Kol Mevaser turned it down.
It is unknown if these allegations are true or what the source of this propaganda funding might be but it does appear that the CDC has engineered a nationwide propaganda campaign targeting Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers. In nearly every Orthodox Jewish Community in America over the last several months, parents who decline to vaccinate their children have been defamed, de-legitimized, and ejected from schools synagogues and public spaces.
Rabbis have been co opted to fight against religious freedom and are urging state legislators to do away with vaccine religious exemptions.
A few courageous rabbis who have tried to stand up to this tyranny and psychological warfare, have been made fun of, harassed. and bullied, by Pro Vaccine Doctors and community activists.
Possible sources of such alleged propaganda funding could be CDC vaccine compliance and education grants to Agudath Israel, Masbia, or other non profit organizations in the Orthodox Jewish Community such as the CHEMED organization in Lakewood, New Jersey.
Masbiah is a non profit soup kitchen enterprise run by Mr Yosef Rapaport's son, Alexander Rapaport. I don't know the sources of funding for Masbiah Soup Kitchens, but many soup kitchen programs in New York State benefit from HPNAP funding. HPNAP stands for Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program. This program is run by the New York State Department of Health. The Commissioner of the NEW YORK STATE DOH is Dr. Howard Zucker. He is the one who had to sign off on the order to expel thousands of healthy unvaccinated Orthodox Jewish Children from Yeshiva schools all over New York State. His wife is Dr Jane Zucker who is in charge of the expulsion order in the New York City DOH. Obviously both of these individuals answer to Governor Cuomo and Mayor Deblasio respectively, although the obvious conflict of interest of the two spouses should be concerning to everyone.
The expulsion order is now in it's ninth week. It is really a thinly veiled attempt to violate religious freedom and force people to vaccinate their children against their will by withholding schooling under martial law emergency powers that were declared for a mild measles outbreak.
Currently there is an effort by LGBTQ and Fetacide rights activist, New York State Senator Brad Hoylman, to do away with the Vaccine Religious Exemption law in New York State. It is clear that the same unholy, atheist, alliance that is behind the effort to get rid of the Bible and classical notions of morality, is behind the effort to get rid of parental rights and all religious freedom.
One can only speculate that perhaps President Trump has become a target of the New York State Progressive Mafia, because of the recently opened office of Civil Rights in the HHS. This office is meant to take complaints about religious discrimination against people who choose not to vaccinate.
Currently we are witnessing state sponsored discrimination against Orthodox Jewish non vaccinators by New York State and New York City.
Below is my Twitter comment to Mr Rapaport
"Are your pro left wing,pro abortion,pro LGBTQ, anti capitalist, anti Trump, pro vaccine, views your own, or are they a reflection of the views of your employer, the Agudath Israel of America? Is your constant criticism of the President a Daas Torah opinion?"
The latest Agudath Israel connected pro vaccine propagandist to block Flatbush Anti Vaxxer from their Twitter feed is Yosef Rapaport. Probably because he did not like my response below, to an anti Trump post of his. Mr Rapaport is an employee of Agudath Israel of America. Mr Rapaport is rumored to have been going around offering cash to media outlets in the Orthodox Jewish community to publish propaganda against Anti Vaxxers. There is a rumor that he offered $5000 to Yiddish Media hotline Kol Mevaser but Kol Mevaser turned it down.
It is unknown if these allegations are true or what the source of this propaganda funding might be but it does appear that the CDC has engineered a nationwide propaganda campaign targeting Orthodox Jewish Anti Vaxxers. In nearly every Orthodox Jewish Community in America over the last several months, parents who decline to vaccinate their children have been defamed, de-legitimized, and ejected from schools synagogues and public spaces.
Rabbis have been co opted to fight against religious freedom and are urging state legislators to do away with vaccine religious exemptions.
A few courageous rabbis who have tried to stand up to this tyranny and psychological warfare, have been made fun of, harassed. and bullied, by Pro Vaccine Doctors and community activists.
Possible sources of such alleged propaganda funding could be CDC vaccine compliance and education grants to Agudath Israel, Masbia, or other non profit organizations in the Orthodox Jewish Community such as the CHEMED organization in Lakewood, New Jersey.
Masbiah is a non profit soup kitchen enterprise run by Mr Yosef Rapaport's son, Alexander Rapaport. I don't know the sources of funding for Masbiah Soup Kitchens, but many soup kitchen programs in New York State benefit from HPNAP funding. HPNAP stands for Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program. This program is run by the New York State Department of Health. The Commissioner of the NEW YORK STATE DOH is Dr. Howard Zucker. He is the one who had to sign off on the order to expel thousands of healthy unvaccinated Orthodox Jewish Children from Yeshiva schools all over New York State. His wife is Dr Jane Zucker who is in charge of the expulsion order in the New York City DOH. Obviously both of these individuals answer to Governor Cuomo and Mayor Deblasio respectively, although the obvious conflict of interest of the two spouses should be concerning to everyone.
The expulsion order is now in it's ninth week. It is really a thinly veiled attempt to violate religious freedom and force people to vaccinate their children against their will by withholding schooling under martial law emergency powers that were declared for a mild measles outbreak.
Currently there is an effort by LGBTQ and Fetacide rights activist, New York State Senator Brad Hoylman, to do away with the Vaccine Religious Exemption law in New York State. It is clear that the same unholy, atheist, alliance that is behind the effort to get rid of the Bible and classical notions of morality, is behind the effort to get rid of parental rights and all religious freedom.
One can only speculate that perhaps President Trump has become a target of the New York State Progressive Mafia, because of the recently opened office of Civil Rights in the HHS. This office is meant to take complaints about religious discrimination against people who choose not to vaccinate.
Currently we are witnessing state sponsored discrimination against Orthodox Jewish non vaccinators by New York State and New York City.
Below is my Twitter comment to Mr Rapaport
"Are your pro left wing,pro abortion,pro LGBTQ, anti capitalist, anti Trump, pro vaccine, views your own, or are they a reflection of the views of your employer, the Agudath Israel of America? Is your constant criticism of the President a Daas Torah opinion?"