CDC lying about Measles vaccination rate
The article below authored by JB Handley is courtesy of the The Childrens Health Defense Organization, which is led By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
As you can see from the article the CDC and the Mainstream Media have been spreading false propaganda about declining Measles vaccination rates. Why would the CDC and it co conspirators in the various State and Local Departments of Health want to lie and blame Measles outbreaks on anti vaxxers and declining vaccination rates? One answer might be because everything must be done in order to preserve the sanctity of the national mass vaccination program, including lying to the public. Another more likely reason is the embarrassing problem of increasing rates of vaccine failure due to mutant strains of Measles that are circulating more and more widely. These mutant strains have been created as a result of selection pressures caused by the mass vaccination program. This is why you will see outbreaks in fully 100% vaccinated populations. The problem of selection pressure and viral adaptation resulting in Frankenstein monster like pathogens is not only found in Measles. A great mystery of the AIDS epidemic is how did a limited number of Simian Immuno Deficiency viruses or SIVs, suddenly mutate in a very short time period in the middle of the 20th century to become the two dominant epidemic strains of HIV 1 and 2. One culprit that has been suggested is contaminated Oral Polio vaccines developed by Hillary Koprowski and administered to over a million people in the Belgian Congo in the 1950s and 60s. If you listen to the 8th and 9th hour of the Stanley Plotkin Deposition you will hear a line of questioning that implies that Dr Plotkin may have aided and abetted a cover up of the passaging of Polio virus through Chimanzee and Human tissue in order to attenuate the virus. This is contrary to the media narrative that only Green Monkeys were used to manufacture the Oral Polio Vaccine. The significance is that the SIV strains that evolved into HIV 1 had to have come from Chimpanzees and had to have been passaged several times through humans or through human tissue cultures. If such passaging did occur in the making of an experimental Polio Vaccine by Koprowski, it could have caused the then unknown SIVcpz strain to strengthen and adapt to humans while at the same time weakening the Polio virus in preparation for the vaccine. In fact Dr. Sabin at the time had criticized Dr Koprowski with the claim that some unknown virus had infected Koprowski's vaccine and was interfering with the action of the vaccine.
Essentially if the OPV Aids theory is true, We eradicated Polio and exchanged it for HIV. You could understand why The Public Health Authorities do not want the public to think too deeply about these issues and instead they resort to demonizing the anti vaxxers.
February 06, 2019
CDC, Check YOUR Data: MMR Vaccination Rates are NOT Declining

There’s a narrative being spread that the vaccination rate for the MMR vaccine has fallen lately due to irresponsible parents, and that the only way to fix the declining rate is to tighten up vaccine exemption laws in every state, which led me to ask a fairly obvious question about my home state: “What has the MMR vaccination rate in Oregon been over time (and why can’t I find that in any of the hysterical media)?”
Luckily, the CDC has a super-easy, interactive map that answers this question very clearly, and I hope any members of the media with a brain start to take a look at the actual data, I took a screenshot of Oregon’s and you better take a screenshot of your state’s before the CDC takes down this weblink:…/chi…/data-reports/mmr/trend/index.html
So, what the heck is going on?

Why is the media saying that parents aren’t vaccinating and therefore measles is making a comeback? Let me explain:
- The media abuses the vaccine exemption number, not the MMR vaccination number. Parents file exemptions anytime they don’t get EVERY vaccine required for school for their child. In Oregon, if you get 0 of 24 or 23 of 24 vaccines required for school for your child, you are counted as “exempt.”
- What the Oregon Health Authority knows, and is true in every other state, is that exemptions go up when one thing happens: new vaccines are added to the required school schedule. Quoting the Oregon Health Authority who wrote: “When other vaccines have been added as school immunization requirements, non-medical exemption rates have increased for all vaccines.” Why would that happen? Two reasons: 1. Administrative burden, and 2. Wariness of brand new vaccine requirements (like, “does my kid really need Hep A?”.)

So, basically, here’s how it works: abuse and misinterpret a rising exemption number–guaranteed to go up if you add new vaccine requirements to the schedule–and generalize that it’s happening for all vaccines. Then, NEVER show the historical data, because it decimates your story.
I hope state activists grab the data for their state, share it with their legislators, and ask a simple question:
“Where’s the decline?”
Since Washington State is facing an exemption fight, I grabbed a screen shot of WA data. Why can’t people just be honest about the data? #wheresthedecline

I also pasted below a table of Oregon’s actual numbers, from 1995 to 2017, please show me where the material decline happened (from year to year, there will be some natural variation, because this is a survey.)

Truthful Data Destroys the False Narrative
Note: this data above is for children, aged 19-35 months. By the time these kids get into school, the vaccination rate goes even higher. What’s so important about all this data is that it destroys the false narrative. Vaccination rates haven’t gone down lately. Period. Ask any epidemiologist you know to run these numbers. The trend lines are ALL flat. Since 1995. I also know that each year, here in Oregon, the OHA’s data and the NIS data from CDC are generally the same, so I’d love to see OHA produce the MMR vaccination rate data since 1995 and ask them a simple question: why not tell the truth?When I looked at the CDC’s numbers, it clearly showed that the MMR vaccination rate has held steady for more than 20 years. I wanted to make sure and corroborate that data with data from the Oregon Health Authority, which they conveniently don’t publish very often, but someone sent me their data from 2014, showing that 97.1% of 7th graders in Oregon have received an MMR vaccine! Where’s the decline?
