The New York City Council Jewish Caucus Judenrat

Below is a list of the members of the the New York City Jewish Caucus on the New York City Council. This group has blocked FlatbushAntiVaxxer from their Twitter feed. Unfortunately,shutting down free speech,debate, and dissenting opinion has now become the new normal in the USA. The 2 month long expulsion and shut out of thousands of healthy unvaccinated Orthodox Jewish Children from yeshiva schools by decree of the New York City Department of Health does not seem to bother these politicians. They are more concerned with guaranteeing the rights of doctors to cut off the genitals of people with Gender Identity Disorder.

There is a bill in Albany now - A99 - which would give the government the right to arrest anyone and force vaccinate them at the direction of the governor or his agents. This means that the government will be able to forcibly remove children from their parents and vaccinate them. At the same time there are bills submitted to remove vaccine religious exemption laws in New York State
On Friday the nation witnessed the Gestapo like tactics used by the FBI to arrest Roger Stone. Unless our politicians change course, it will only be a matter of time before police powers are abused and used en masse against parents and children who choose not to be vaccinated.

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