Why some Hassidic Jews Don't Vaccinate and why Paul Offit and the CDC want to crush their opposition

The New York City Department of Health has had a school expulsion order in place since December 7th for Orthodox Jewish Unvaccinated Children in nearly every Orthodox Jewish Private School in Brooklyn New York.This is in response to a mild Measles outbreak in a small segment of the community. The Department of Health directive is affecting several thousand children in New York City. The Hassidic Communities of Williamsburg and Borough Park have been particularly impacted due to higher than average rates of vaccine refusal. One Hassidic School system  in Williamsburg  with 11,000 Children enrolled has 944 of them claiming religious exemptions for vaccines about 8.5 percent of the total. The health department directive is able to suspend the religious exemption with a form of martial law power with no possibility of appeal. A parent is faced with the choice of keeping their child home from school indefinitely or bowing to the pressure tactic and violating their beliefs. On top of this, parents who have filed civil rights complaints against the City Department of Health, have been retaliated against by having the Administration for Child Services threaten them with taking their children away. Callers to the New York City Department of Health have been met with hostility and have been told that their religious objections to vaccines are not sincere and therefore invalid and not legal.
Speaking with members of this community I found that there appear to be two dominant factors that cause them to not want to vaccinate. The first factor is purely religious. They believe that all healing and all disease is sourced from God. Although the Torah and the Talmud teach that one is permitted to rely on a doctor for healing and need not rely exclusively on faith in God to heal from illness, they believe that is only when you view the doctor as an agent of God and understand that it is not the doctor healing you but God sending you the healing through the doctor. The moment you start to believe that a vaccine has the power to circumvent the will of God and has a power of it's own, you have crossed the Rubicon over to Idolatry.
The second reason I found is a mixture of faith and science. The science becomes the faith. Namely, they have identified the vaccines as having a real world risk and danger to life and limb and therefore they are now in the category of things to avoid because the Torah commands watch your lives exceedingly carefully which is a biblical directive interpreted to mean to not take risks with your health.
The Hassidic Community tends to have families with an average of 10 children. It is also a very close knit community. When a family vaccinates kids and they suffer a death or vaccine injury word gets around. The family and friends stop vaccinating because they do not want a repeat.
This community has thousands of children who are vaccinated and thousands of children who are unvaccinated. It presents an ideal population for conducting a true vaxxed versus unvaxxed study both a prospective study and a retrospective study. You could even compare vaxxed versus unvaxxed in the same family and among siblings.
Last Sunday night at a vaccine symposium in Lakewood New Jersey, Dr Paul Offit said that no Institutional Review Board would ever approve a prospective vaxxed versus unvaxxed study because it would be unethical to deny vaccination to  one arm of the study.
This is why Dr Offit and his operatives are trying to remove their Jewish Hassidic anti vaxxer problem. This is perhaps the only community in the the United states where you could do an ethical vaxxed versus unvaxxed study because the parents have voluntarily withdrawn their children from vaccination in order to avoid vaccine injury. This community  presents a dangerous threat to the current vaccination paradigm. You could actually answer all the unanswered questions that everyone is afraid to ask about vaccine safety and so that possibility must be forestalled by imposing the ultimatum of vaccinate or home school.          
