Meet Dr.Stuart Ditchek - taking away parental and religious rights on behalf of the CDC

Below is a communication sent from Dr. Stuart Ditchek to his patients via email. It speaks for itself. However here are some of the results of Dr. Ditchek's "aggressive advocacy".
Over the last month dozens and perhaps hundreds of children have been kicked out of Orthodox Jewish schools for the crime of exercising their legally enshrined religious right to not vaccinate and not be discriminated against.
The only possibility of  measles transmission is when someone vaccinated or not has been exposed to measles. Simply being unvaccinated does not equate with exposure and it is a bold faced lie to pretend that it does. This lie has been at the crux of the mass expulsion of unvaccinated children from Orthodox Jewish Schools and the social ostracizing campaign against nonvaccinating families in the Orthodox Jewish Community.
There appears to be a small network of Orthodox Jewish doctors who are going around to senior Rabbis and heads of schools and pressuring them to expel unvaccinated children from school on the false pretext that they are a danger  and contagious due to their unvaccinated status.
It seems these doctors have teamed up with online Jewish new outlets and newspapers to push this messaging. It is clearly a coordinated organized effort and likely has financial backing from the CDC.
It has gotten to the point where synagogues are posting signs excluding unvaccinated people,families are dis-inviting unvaccinated  family members from family holiday parties and weddings, and rabbinical boards are issuing proclamations restricting unvaccinated community members from all public spaces such as parks.
It has become reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

From: Integrative Pediatric Associates of NY <>
Date: November 21, 2018 at 1:33:42 PM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Measles Update

Dear Friends:
As you know, I have been vocally and aggressively advocating with ALL schools to not accept students whose parents have either not given them vaccines or have intentionally delayed vaccinations. Some schools have been very cooperative at enforcing these issues and others have been lax at best. There should be a ZERO tolerance policy especially in view of the current Measles outbreak and potential future outbreaks. I have crafted a letter below to be distributed by parents to schools that have been vague on their compliance queries by parents or openly admitting under-immunized children to school for any reason. If your child's school is not clearly and correctly complying, please ask the school principal or director to sign the acknowledgement below. In pediatric practices that allow vaccine refusers (mine has never allowed those families into our practice), doctors will have parents sign similar acknowledgements to avoid being sued for malpractice should the child suffer from a vaccine preventable infection. The schools should be held to the same standard as they are guardians of our children for the majority of their day.
Please print out the attached acknowledgment and if your school has not been fully compliant with the law, ask the school principal/director to sign the following  letter.
Dear School Principal/Director:
As per the New York State Department of Health, the decision whether to accept or decline a request for a religious exemption from vaccinations lies in your hands. The law requires you to review the request and make a decision whether it is a legitimate refusal based on actual religious beliefs. The exact language of the New York State law is highlighted and bolded below.
"A medical exemption to immunization is permitted when a valid contraindication to vaccination exists, as certified by a physician licensed in New York State and recognized by ACIP. A “Refusal to Vaccinate” form from a provider does not constitute a medical exemption; this form only indicates that the provider recommended a vaccine and the parent refused. Parental requests for a religious exemption should be reviewed by the school principal or director; however, be aware that many submitted requests for religious exemptions are based on philosophic, and not religious beliefs. In accordance with the law, the principal or director is not required to approve the exemption, if he/she thinks that the request is not based on a sincere and genuine religious belief. The presence of unvaccinated students in a school increases the risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases at the institution and puts the health of other students at risk."
If you choose to accept children into the school who are un-immunized or under-immunized for any reason other than an approved medical exception, it is within the legitimate rights of all parents to have you sign the statement below.
I am aware of the risks of accepting students into the school who have either not received vaccines or have not completed the required schedule of vaccinations. These risks include exposing young children and pregnant teachers to highly contagious infections which can cause serious harm to the students and potential birth defects to the unborn child of those pregnant teachers. I recognize that schools where children are un-immunized or under immunized are the most likely to expose children to these highly contagious and dangerous infections. I assume full responsibility for making the decision of accepting un-immunized or under immunized children and putting those at-risk who have made the correct decision to immunize. Furthermore, I commit to having the health department experts review ALL requests for “medical exemptions” recognizing that many refuser families are requesting inappropriate exemptions. If those requests are deemed inappropriate by the local health department experts, the child will be excluded from school as well.
Signed and dated:
---------------------------------- (Insert the legal name of the school, principal or director)

The above letter was written and distributed by Dr. Stuart H. Ditchek, Board Certified Pediatrician with his full consent.

Integrated Pediatrics Associates of NY
              1762 East 23 Street
               Brooklyn, NY 11229
