Dr. Stuart Ditchek In his own words describes his efforts to throw kids out of school
Below is a recent communication from Dr Stuart Ditchek dated December 6.He explains why he is not really a liar when he falsely portrays healthy unvaccinated children who have not been exposed to measles as being inherently infectious and contagious. Dr."D" also brags about his efforts in Brooklyn and across the country to have unvaccinated Orthodox Jewish adults and children thrown out of synagogues, schools, and public spaces.I am gratified that Dr Ditchek seems to agree that a person cannot transmit measles unless they have been EXPOSED to measles. Dr Ditchek asks for help understanding how we can know if a person has been exposed to measles or not. One way is to see if they are sick. Another way is to see if they have been to a geographic location that has been exposed to measles. A third way is to see if they have been exposed to another person who has measles. This is called epidemiology.
So far there are no reports in the literature of transmission via quantum mechanical phenomena such as entanglement so we can safely exclude non local transmission as a risk.
The schools in Flatbush that Dr Ditchek pressured to exclude unvaccinated children from, have near 100 percent vaccination rates among the student populations.This is more than enough vaccination to provide "herd immunity" for those people concerned about protecting the "herd". Therefore transmission in those schools would be nearly impossible according to the current known laws of science.Indeed there have been no cases of Measles in any of those schools.
I would like to thank Dr Ditchek for demonstrating why we need to get rid of mandatory vaccination laws and why we need to reign in bureaucratic health agencies and autocratic doctors that abuse their power, authority, and lie about the science.
Lastly regarding the reference to Nazi Germany.
both my parents and grandparents were refugees from Nazi Germany. My grandfather was arrested on Kristallnacht and sent to Buchenwald and my mother was put on the Kinder transport to Holland. My wife's uncle and great grandparents were murdered in Auschwitz. The reference to Nazi Germany is right on target. Long before the Nazis set up the extermination program, they removed citizenship and civil rights from my grandparents, and parents, and threw them out of their jobs, schools, synagogues, and parks, and restricted their right to be out in public. Now in America land of the free, I am confronted by my own fellow Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and Doctors doing the same thing to me and my family. The only way I can understand it is that the Rabbis and Doctors who are doing this are likely second or third generation Americans whose parents and grandparents did not endure the Holocaust and as such have zero sensitivity to understand what they are doing.
From: Integrative Pediatric Associates of NY <ipaofny@gmail.com>
Date: December 6, 2018 at 9:14:17 AM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Update from Dr D on Measles control efforts
So far there are no reports in the literature of transmission via quantum mechanical phenomena such as entanglement so we can safely exclude non local transmission as a risk.
The schools in Flatbush that Dr Ditchek pressured to exclude unvaccinated children from, have near 100 percent vaccination rates among the student populations.This is more than enough vaccination to provide "herd immunity" for those people concerned about protecting the "herd". Therefore transmission in those schools would be nearly impossible according to the current known laws of science.Indeed there have been no cases of Measles in any of those schools.
I would like to thank Dr Ditchek for demonstrating why we need to get rid of mandatory vaccination laws and why we need to reign in bureaucratic health agencies and autocratic doctors that abuse their power, authority, and lie about the science.
Lastly regarding the reference to Nazi Germany.
both my parents and grandparents were refugees from Nazi Germany. My grandfather was arrested on Kristallnacht and sent to Buchenwald and my mother was put on the Kinder transport to Holland. My wife's uncle and great grandparents were murdered in Auschwitz. The reference to Nazi Germany is right on target. Long before the Nazis set up the extermination program, they removed citizenship and civil rights from my grandparents, and parents, and threw them out of their jobs, schools, synagogues, and parks, and restricted their right to be out in public. Now in America land of the free, I am confronted by my own fellow Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and Doctors doing the same thing to me and my family. The only way I can understand it is that the Rabbis and Doctors who are doing this are likely second or third generation Americans whose parents and grandparents did not endure the Holocaust and as such have zero sensitivity to understand what they are doing.
From: Integrative Pediatric Associates of NY <ipaofny@gmail.com>
Date: December 6, 2018 at 9:14:17 AM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Update from Dr D on Measles control efforts
Dear Friends,
As you all know, I have
happily been assisting our schools, local and as far as other cities in
the United States, in dealing with the anti-vaccine families and trying to make
our schools safe for all. I am proud of those efforts and it has been paying
off as many schools are now trying to get into compliance and exclude families
that refuse or delay vaccination. There are still several schools in the
Flatbush community that are resisting compliance efforts often intimidated by
those who refuse vaccinations or simply misinformed of the law. I have
attached below a copy of an anonymously sent E-mail that I received
during the night. While it is shocking, it's the best example of what it
takes to advocate for children while being attacked. I am fine with the
personal attacks as long as our children ,both born and unborn, are healthy.
The E-mail below was
sent to our office inbox today by individual(s) using the following sender
"Here are some of the results of Dr. Ditchek's
"agressive advocacy".
Over the last month hundreds of children have been kicked out of Orthodox Jewish schools for the crime of exercising their legally enshrined religious right to not vaccinate and not be discriminated against.
\The only possibility of measles transmission is when someone vaccinated or not has been exposed to measles. Simply being unvaccinated does not equate with exposure and it is a bold faced lie to pretend that it does. This lie has been at the crux of your mass expulsion of unvaccinated children from Orthodox Jewish Schools and the social ostracizing campaign against nonvaccinating families in the Orthodox Jewish Community.
Over the last month hundreds of children have been kicked out of Orthodox Jewish schools for the crime of exercising their legally enshrined religious right to not vaccinate and not be discriminated against.
\The only possibility of measles transmission is when someone vaccinated or not has been exposed to measles. Simply being unvaccinated does not equate with exposure and it is a bold faced lie to pretend that it does. This lie has been at the crux of your mass expulsion of unvaccinated children from Orthodox Jewish Schools and the social ostracizing campaign against nonvaccinating families in the Orthodox Jewish Community.
It has gotten to the point where
synagogues are posting signs excluding unvaccinated people,families are
dis-inviting unvaccinated family members from family holiday parties and
weddings, and rabbinical boards are issuing proclamations restricting unvaccinated
community members from all public spaces such as parks.
It has become reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
If Ditcheks conscience is at ease, with the effects of his actions, I have nothing more to attempt to communicate with him, but if perhaps a dying shred of humanity is still buried somewhere in his heart then can he please explain the statistics of his measles propaganda, and how it has endangered so many people."
It has become reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
If Ditcheks conscience is at ease, with the effects of his actions, I have nothing more to attempt to communicate with him, but if perhaps a dying shred of humanity is still buried somewhere in his heart then can he please explain the statistics of his measles propaganda, and how it has endangered so many people."
Dr Ditchek's response:
The above E-mail sent
to me directly from an anonymous individual is quite frankly emblematic of the
individuals behaving in this cult-like fashion. While there really is no point
in addressing every issue, let me take note of two points that represent the
absolute lack of reality based thinking.
"The only possibility of measles transmission is when
someone vaccinated or not has been exposed to measles.
Simply being unvaccinated does not equate with exposure and it is a bold faced
lie to pretend that it does. This lie has been at the crux of your mass expulsion
of unvaccinated children from Orthodox Jewish Schools and the social
ostracizing campaign against nonvaccinating families in the Orthodox Jewish
Firstly, if the
anti-vaccine community can enlighten all of us as to how one is to know when
they are exposed to Measles it would be hugely helpful. The fact is that unless
an exposure is detected quickly such as in a doctors office or in a school
classroom, there is no way of knowing when and where somebody can be exposed to
this highly contagious infection(and others). During the 2013 outbreak in
Williamsburg, individuals were exposed and contracted Measles a full two hours
after an infected individual rode in that same elevator.Furthermore, an
individual infected with Measles is contagious for 2-3 days prior to
the eruption of a suspicious rash. That means that all individuals
exposed to that person for several days prior to eruption of the rash can
be infected with Measles. It's really not that difficult to understand, if you
believe the science and the real data. The fact remains that in Israel
where the 2018 outbreak occurred earlier and in larger numbers, 97-98% of
individuals infected with Measles were either un-immunized(vaccine refusal) or
under-immunized(vaccine delay). In the New York area, we have experienced
almost identical numbers for those infected. So, at the risk of supporting a
logical conclusion, if those are unvaccinated are most likely to get the
infection they are also most likely to spread that infection. I hope that such clear
and logical reasoning is not too upsetting to the author(s) of the above
E-mail to me. Thus they should be excluded form places where they can pass that
infection on to those who can least afford to get infected such as pregnant
women, children under one year of age and individuals with
compromised immune systems such as those recovering from cancer treatment.
So the next question that could be posed by the ant-vaccine groups is that if
there are no pregnant women in the school or no babies under one year of
age or no immune compromised cancer patients, why worry? Although there are
rarely any schools, synagogues or simchaswhere these
people would not be found, an older child who contracts Measles(or an
adult) can get infected in those settings and bring
the infection home to any of those greatly at-risk. In Israel and the New
York-New Jersey outbreaks, many babies under a year have been exposed as have
many who are pregnant. This has required diligent work-ups and often early
immunization in the case of young babies. This inconvenient truth
will not fit into the anti-vaccine logic stream. I apologize for not
modifying science and data in deference to those who see it
"It has become reminiscent of Nazi Germany."
This comment is just so
disturbing as it represents truly warped logic and a lack of understanding. The
Nazi's goal was to exterminate Jewish children of all ages. Many died at the
hands of the Nazis by bullets, beatings, starvation and illness(mostly
infections). The Nazi's excluded Jews from institutions as a weapon to isolate
and harm the Jews. The efforts by the rabbonim, school principals,
clinicians and health departments to exclude refusers from school is being
done to PROTECT children, not harm them. Using references to Nazi Germany is
simply an insult to every person who perished during the war. Shame on any
of you who use such a vile reference for such a conscientious effort to
protect children. Just get your children immunized and they can all return to
Integrated Pediatrics Associates of NY
1762 East 23 Street
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Doctor Ditchek -
You know good and well that vaccines are made deliberately toxic to destroy health. You patients are still willfully asleep in the dark, obviously, or you wouldn’t have such a doting fan base that boosts the tyranny that you believe you have authority to promote.
Besides spreading cancer among children, which gives you opportunities galore to look really good as you give all your dying patients a “good time” along with carcinogenic foods.
There’s nothing anyone can tell you, it seems, for you to consider how much destruction you have wrought because of arrogance & ignorance.
As it’s Elul - perhaps you could take advantage & do some teshuva before you bring devastating shame upon your family & all Jews. The chillul Hashem you are responsible for is so massive that only a Divine Hashem can perceive how you can be cleansed of your “sweet” barbaric protocol.
This week’s Parsha - has a good line for you: arur lo’kai’ach shochad l’hakos nefesh dam naki - Amein!!
May Hashem expose the truth to the disempowered mothers & fathers NOW!