Chaskel Bennet Blocks Flatbush Anti Vaxxer I guess the truth hurts

Chaskel Bennet is a very good person who donates his time and his money to public service and charity at a level of self sacrifice that I admire and only wish I could attain. He really is a saint. However on this issue he has fallen short and as a public representative of the Orthodox Jewish community neither he nor the organization he represents should be above criticism. Below are the three tweets I tweeted to him about the current school expulsion crisis.
Blocking me from your twitter account will not make the crisis go away and will not fix this terrible injustice that has been heaped on thousands of kids and their families.
Agudath Israel has been silent on the discriminatory and draconian DOH order to expel thousands of children from schools. Most of the schools affected have immunization rates above 98 percent, more than enough to meet the herd immunity threshold. There is no scientific basis for expelling these numbers of children from so many schools for an open ended unspecified duration in order to quell a minor outbreak of measles in a small segment of the Jewish Community.
This is a political decision meant to teach the anti vaccination parents a lesson and force them to vaccinate against their will and against their sincerely held religious beliefs.
Additionally doctors in our own community and some who are reportedly on the board of directors of Agudah have spread the false notion that an unvaccinated child who has not been exposed to a pathogen is somehow inherently dangerous and infectious. This is a monstrous lie.
Some of these doctors have lobbied the departments of health to take a very harsh stand and use the outbreak to crush opposition in the Orthodox Jewish community to vaccination.
These doctors have also lobbied senior rabbis around the country and fed them false information in order to get religious rulings permitting schools to expel unvaccinated children even without being asked to do so by Departments of Health.
This is all part of a deliberate campaign to destroy the religious exemption laws in the US. It is an attack on religion, freedom, and liberty.  

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Dec 11
Hundreds of children have been kicked out of Yeshivas in Lakewood, Brooklyn, and across the country for the "crime" of being Orthodox, Jewish, and unvaccinated. What are you and Agudas Yisroel doing to protect these families rights?????

Dec 14
Replying to
Chaskel, what about parental choice in Vaccination? There are thousands of kids kicked out of yeshiva all around NYC for parents exercising their legal vaccine religious exemption and not a peep from you or Agudah. Worse, the expulsion was initiated by our own Askanim.

The hypocrisy of your headline is quite audacious. The Agudah has stood by while thousands of healthy unvaccinated children who have not been exposed to measles and are zero threat to anyone have been thrown out of yeshiva and had their Torah studies eliminated by our own people.
